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True Love......if only it were me.....sigh.


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My husband bought Dixie for me as a mother's day present almost two years ago. Unfortunately, I am not her chosen one, he is.


She loves him more than I ever thought could be possible, especially since he's gone for months on end with his job. Fortunately for Dixie, he reciprocates the love :D


Tonight he's headed out to Walgreen's to pick up some prescriptions. He's put her on her cage three times, and each time she's flown off to the rope door, and then to his shoulder. The last time he didn't put her back on her cage. He got the travel cage, and off they went. Now that's true love :cool:

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Tonight he's headed out to Walgreen's to pick up some prescriptions. He's put her on her cage three times, and each time she's flown off to the rope door, and then to his shoulder. The last time he didn't put her back on her cage. He got the travel cage, and off they went. Now that's true love :cool:


How sweet! :)

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Robin that is how it goes sometimes but it is good that your husband accepts his role as her favored person as we have seen many who didn't besides you have so many birds now that it would be difficult if every one of them favored only you, count yourself very lucky.

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To answer the questions - Beau is the love of my life (in parrot form). Yoshi has taken to Sarah in ways I never expected. Morgan loves all of us equally but gives me kisses that he gives to no others. Yes, I think my husband is absolutely wonderful in his interactions and responsibilities to Dixie since she's chosen him. Without all of my family involved with our fids I could not have more than one!



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I'm the same way Robin. My bird Tui took more to my fiancee (at the time) and he's still her favoured person. Due to personal reasons he's still around and we're still good friend despite breaking up and she truly adores him. She sits with me and lets me bath her and play with her, but as soon as he enters a room, I disappear and she's all him. I accept that I'm not Tui's favoured person and probably never will be, but I still love her the way she is. ;) It's great that you can accept Dixie's love for your husband.

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Ah, the mystery of love. It is just wonderful that your husband responds to Dixie with such sensitivity and helps her accept your place in the family too! When your husband is out of town, does Dixie tolerate you well, or does she warm up to you over time?

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I just noticed the subject line of this thread. Coincidentally, Gilbert is in love with me... in the wrong kind of way. He is accepting the rest of the family near him and will even step up or let them scratch his head, but when he lets me pick him up or any time I am within a foot of him, he singing me his love songs. I am hoping it is the spring weather and this will pass and he will like me about half as much. LOL.

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When Paul is out of town, I'm still not the apple of her eye - that job goes to my son LP (Little Paul). She has always been very receptive of me, knows I'm the one who feeds her, cleans her cage, gives her a bath, buys her new toys, etc. She gives me kisses and doesn't do that for anyone else, she steps up more readily to me than she will my daughter or my son, but will do different things with each of us she won't do with the others. It's like - I give you this much and nothing more, but for Paul - she gives her all....lol. She flies to him the moment she hears his voice, she follows him throughout the house and will gladly sit on him for hours. She is spoiled rotten if you ask me.



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Ha ha - sounds like our goofball, Merlin. I've had Merlin since he was 6 weeks old (in 1999), and he's been with me through A LOT! I've ben his one constant in life, yet, as soon as he met Husband, he follows him around like a lost puppy dog. He just ADORES Husband.


He likes me, lets me do everything Husband does to him, but he doesn't look around the house for me or do his wing bouncy thing when *I* come into the room.



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Spoiled rotten is by far the best way to be a "kept woman". Dixie knows just what she is doing, the little vixen. LOL. I love that your whole family is bird centered and that Dixie has her own relationship with everyone. Paul must feel like he is seven feet tall when she bestows him with her charming side. I am going to learn from Dixie's wiles and start greeting my husband at the door and following him around when he comes home from a long business trip to "surrender" myself into the spoiled rotten zone. Go Dixie.

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