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Pet Health Insurance-- Anyone find one for birds?


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We just had a horrible scare with one of our cats. His vet bills are SO HIGH, and it got me thinking about Pet insurance for all of my animals. My cats are covered, but does anyone know of a company that provides Bird health insurance?

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Thanks Judy :)

That's the only one I have found so far... that's actually whome I have my current insurance with. They only cover up to $181 in routine services. While that is a little help, I'm hoping to find a little more. I'm going to gather some info from the company and find out exactly what is covered and what isn't.


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I had that insurance on Z for the first year after I adopted him. I changed banks and forgot to update them and don't have it now. I do want to go back to it. If I remember correctly, they cover a certain percentage of non-routine services along with the $181 for routine services if you carry the extra rider. I did like getting reimbursed for a lot of Z's regular check up and the grooming.


I want it again just in case there's some kind of emergency so I will be able to get some money back. I just wish we didn't have to pay up front and let the vet collect from the insurance company. But, it's better than nothing.

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I work for Wells Fargo as a teller and just recently found out they carry insurance for pets,completely different department. But you call for a free quote and see what they offer at this link with a number provided. Check it out, I was surprised at what they offered.



It is still VPI pet insurance, if you click on get a quote you are directed to the other web site.

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