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congo vs timneh


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hello everyone! I am new to this forum and hope that someone here might be able to answer my question. about a month ago my wife and i purchased our first african grey! now this is not my first grey, but it is our first grey together. i havent had birds in quite a few years, and we kinda jumped on simon when we saw him. the place where we got him was selling him as a congo. after doing some research my wife is starting to think that simon is a timneh. simon is a dark grey colored bird with a bright red tail until the end of his tail on the top there is a dark color and underneath it is a darker color. can anyone here tell me for sure if simon is a congo or a timneh? Image244.jpg


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How old is Simon? They younger congos have grey on the red tail feathers. They will get brighter red as he gets older. As bright red as his tail is I would say he is a congo. What color is his beak? Congos have black beaks, while the timneh has more of a bone colored beak.

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Greetings Staggy,


Can you post a pic of the entire bird? That would help ID it. From the looks of the tail in the photo provided I would say you have a CAG, but cannot be sure w/o a full pic.


Welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy it here, learn andn share with our other members. We are a family here that truly love our birds and work together to help ensure we provide the best care possible, for them and us. ;)

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