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Just adopted a Grey that was dropped off at a pet store. Help!

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I love my new grey already but I don't know his history or how old he is. I have only had him for five days now and he still seems very timid. His feathers are perfect. he has pale yellow eyes and his feet seem scalier or knobbier than other Grey feet I have seen. The band only has 4 numbers on it, not a year. So far, he mostly observes, doesn't play with his toys very much and I'm not sure if he is eating enough. He does seem interested in me but still a little skittish. He will not step up. when I tried to get him to step up in his cage he pushed me away a few times and then bit me (not too hard). He has come out a couple of times on his own and stood on my arm or shoulder and was very well behaved. The store owner said he was a male and around 10 years old. He was dropped off with one wing clipped so the store owner clipped the other one too as he kept trying to fly away from the store owner and kept crashing. He climbed up onto my arm right away though when I started talking to him. Any advice on getting him to be less afraid would be welcome. He seems very sweet and seems quite interested in my little green cheeked conures!

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Welcome and congrats. Just take it slow, do it on his terms. Don't rush, give treats when you pass by the cage. Sit near him and talk, sing or read, share little bites of your food.. Sounds like you are off to a good start, but patient is the whole key. Good luck, post pictures and keep us posted on the updates.

I know you can guess at the age by the color of the eyes, but I am new to the greys myself and waiting for my baby to be winged.

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One of the best things you can do for him is give him time to settle in and let him relax. It`s all new to him new home new cage new person and he dose not know what to make of it. Like Shelly Yokum said sit by his cage talk to him give him some treats let him know whenever you come around something good happens and he will come around. Just give him time and kindness.

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Hello Shara and welcome to our family, so glad you could take in this grey and give him a new forever home.

The others have given you some excellent advice as it takes time for a new to you grey especially one that is mature to settle into a new environment, be very patient with him and let his set the pace for interacting with you for if you try to rush things it will only backfire on you. You must gain his trust to bond with him and that could take a while depending on how he was treated in his previous home or homes.

Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

We love pictures here so if you have some of him you would share with us we would appreciate it. BTW, what is his name?

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I've posted a pic of him when he climbed onto my shoulder. He was very well behaved, but got scared when I dropped something and tried to fly off. He is still leery of hands unless you are giving him a treat like a peanut. He loves peanuts. I haven't picked a name yet. Maybe Charlie, Honey, Sweetie, Peanut, who knows. I guess I'm waiting for him to name himself.

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Thanks everyone! I'm reading the threads as I have time, learning as I go. The biting thread sounds pretty scary though! I can handle my green cheeks bites but I hope my grey won't bite too hard! Thanks for the advice in advance, as I will be asking plenty of questions!

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Oh I forgot to mention, he said "come on over" to me today which is what I have been saying to try to coax him over. I was really surprised! I went right over, he backed up a little, I praised him and gave him a peanut. Happiness for both of us!

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The initial period of rehoming is stressful and scary... and probably the bird doesn't like it much either. LOL. I felt apprehensive at first with the recent acquisition of our older bird. You are in for some real treats as you are introduced to his true self once he opens up and becomes more secure with you. Like the others have said, you are on "grey time" so all the positive things you do to let him get to know you and be able to predict your behavior will be in his best interest and yours. It does take some time for them to get past their confusion and the changes in their life. Stay close and keep a general routine that will help him know when to expect clean water and food and approach him on his terms. I love that you haven't renamed him and are willing to hear what he has to say in the matter. I just love that. He isn't a computer that can be "rebooted" and reformatted for a fresh start and once he is past the introduction stage, you will know more about his preferences and how to get him started off on his best little gnarly foot. Conratulations on your new friend, this is going to be a wonderful journey for both of you.

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I have tentatively named him Charlie now. I started naming names to him and he would squawk after each one. He just looked at me when I said Charlie, like he was interested. So far he seems to like it. He is still very afraid of my hands though unless I'm feeding him goodies or cleaning the cage. I have to scoop him up with a towel or my arms to get him back in his cage. He squawks like a chicken but never bites. I hope he keeps that good nature. I wish I knew more about what his previous circumstances were so I could help him more.

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