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CHECK WING CLIP - Jake is gone


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Yup Kim. Judy is right as always. That's what most of us do, put our greys on our desks or shoulders and type!

We have missed you, and I know you've been busy, but take some time for yourself, and give us a post or two occasionally. :cheer:

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Man, what a story :ohmy:! I'm sooooo glad you got Jake back safe and sound! I bet he has new found appreciation for having food and water delivered to him at regular intervals. Poor little guy. What a terrible ordeal for you all to go through.<br><br>Post edited by: spookyhurst, at: 2007/09/04 06:06

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Yes, put Dayo on my shoulder. That's what I'll do.


Yes, Jake has come to appreciate a regular meal, and WATER since he came back home. He seems happy to be back. We are so happy to have him back, and know how very lucky we are to have gotten him back. Many are not so fortunate as we are. Funny what a BIG hole such a small bird can leave.

But now that hole is gone, and we have Jake back, and no more showers, or outside time with the cage open.


You all have a wonderful day.


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Yay! I'm happy to hear no no more outside showers OUT of his cage. I always worry about them flying away even if their wings are clipped. You know yourself how that adrenaline kicks in when you are frightened. The same can happen to a bird when they are startled. They can fly like you've never seen even with clipped wings, a breeze, and a fright!


glad to hear he's found how lucky he has it at home! He sure is one happy and lucky bird! Thanks to you and Dan's determination, imagine if you had just given up like some people do....:huh:

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Hi Talon,


As you know, we are very excited and relieved to have Jake back. :-)


I can not imagine someone just not looking for their lost Parrot or any other Animal for that matter. Their very lives are pretty much dependant upon us humans that raised them as domesticated birds.


Kim and I have decided we are going to clip both Jake and Dayo wings to the point they can only flap down at a 45 degree angle to the floor. Presently they can both fly with their clips, but just limited in how much altitude they can gain.


We have grandchildren coming over and I am sure that anyone with kids 15 and below know, they fling a door open and leave it open with out a thought.


We have decided based upon this, clipping is the best way to ensure Jake and Dayo will be the safest in our home.


I really would like to have them both flighted, indoors of course, but our environment dictates clipping for the Parrots safety. :-)

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My cousin's conure flew out the door once, and into the neighbor's tree. The neighbor, who was drunk, said he would get the bird. He climbed the tree, fell out, and impaled himself on a tree branch. My cousin went over to the tree and yelled, "Dammit bird! You get down here!" The bird came right down :laugh:. Then my cousin (who has some EMT training) had to patch up the neighbor :side:.

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