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Simon is home at last!


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We picked Simon up yesterday morning from the breeder's. She cried when we left, which really surprised me considering she's got a kitchen full of baby greys, eclectuses, conures, macaws and amazons!


He's in quarantine up in the spare room for now, but he loves it when I check in on him. He barks when I come in the room. He loves to come out and cuddle. He's very active and busy, exploring his cage and toys.


He doesn't seem to be eating much though. He wolfed down some warm corn this morning, but doesn't seem to be eating his pellets. Yesterday I gave him "birdie breakfast," which I serve to all the birds - a bowl of granola, nuts, veggies, fruits and birdie bread. I could tell he sorted through it, and he probably ate a little bit. Also, I think he's only drinking water when I hold the water bowl for him.


He's a sweetheart. I'm looking forward to bringing him down to the living room - the heart of the house - where he can live in his bigger cage and be with the rest of the family.

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Hooray for Simon! It never ceases to amaze me how much time and effort our breeders and surrogates put into these babies when they put their heart and soul into facilitating each little grey's entry into the human world. Your fun is just beginning. Congratulations on your new addition.

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Congrats on getting Simon in his new forever home, Simon is adjusting to his new home so it doesn't surprise me he didn't eat much but he will soon enough, give him some time to settle in and feel comfortable. Even though he is stuck in another room away from the other fids he needs lots of attention and time out of his cage until he can finally come and join the rest of his flock. Has he been vet checked yet? If not then have that done and if you get a clean bill of health then you can move him into the living room.

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He's braver than I thought a baby Grey would be. He loves toys, especially anything with an interesting texture. I've been buying him toys at the local thrift shop....baby toys, for now. He also loves coming out and climbing up to my shoulder. He's a good eater - I made up a batch of mash for the birds, and he was the only one who ate his. The other two generally have to see something a few times before they'll try it. He's a good little eater. Toast, carrots, whatever I'm eating, he's willing to try.


I adore him, but there are two small problems I want to ask about. Maybe they're normal and I'll just have to get used to them. But maybe not.


1) He's got crazy sharp toes and he hangs on tight. It hurts! Should I cut his toenails? I don't cut the Amazon's or lovebird's toenails, but they don't dig into me the way Simon's do.


2) He barks. Like a dog. It's kind of shrill. Is that a normal baby Grey sound? Will he outgrow it? Or is it because the breeder also breeds chihuahuas? It's the only sound he makes so far, other than a gurgly noise. I hope he outgrows it!

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1 - Use a nail file right now to knock those sharp tips off. It will get him used to it if you stay patient and use a happy voice. Let him beak it as well so he knows what it feels like. Place a cemnet perch or two in the cage and that will keep them filed down.


2 - LOL - Yep he learned that high bark from the heel nippers. :P It is not a normal instinctual Grey sound.

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I've decided not to respond to him when he barks for attention. Instead, I wait for him to make another sound, and then I talk to him or pick him up. He makes the sweetest little baby sounds when he's eating. He loves eating.


I scared him yesterday for the first time. He loves every toy I give him, so I haven't worried about introducing them slowly. However yesterday I was rooting around in the toy box and I found a little stuffed puppy and held it up for him. He immediately shrieked, and he got twice as big as he usually is, and his whole posture changed. He seriously scared the bejeezus out of me!


So I put the puppy down and told him it was okay and apologized to him and then he was fine. I showed him the puppy again from more of a distance, and he decided he liked it after all.

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I've decided not to respond to him when he barks for attention.

Thats the best thing to do and in time I imagine he will do it less and less since he no longer hears it but they can be annoying when they repeat a sound like that, it will be replaced with new sounds he likes to mimic.

Dan's suggestion to file his talons down is a good one and maybe if you start when he is young he may be more accepting of it, I wish I had started Josey off with doing that and it also helps to have several rough perches in his cage placed strategically where he is likely to use them, next to food and water bowls.

The puppy toy may have reminded him of the dogs the breeder had.

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