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So Is There A Reason....

Thomas J.

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....why my female CAG makes a faint squeaking noise and lowers her wings while I'm rubbing her head and around her beak area? Is this some kind of mating ritual? She seems to want to be bringing up food also but usually doesn't while doing this. Should I maybe refrain from doing this entirely or is it no big deal?


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Lol....she's in love with you. :) These are indeed acts of showing you that she is 'into you'. I hear that when it occurs you just tell her that you appreciate the display, but you gotta decline...and then walk away for just a bit. Issac gets like that with me as soon as I get a phone call on my cell phone. He is crawling all over my neck and panting in my ears. Rolling on his back in my arms just being a total love bug. Then as soon as I get off the phone...he's okay again.

Edited by Elvenking
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^ Yes, I've seen cockatiels and many other birds show the same behavior.


As Elvenking said, you really dont want to encourage this behavior. It can lead to...."frustration" for your bird and possible behavior problems. I tell Cosmo "no thank you" and leave him for a few minutes until he calms down.

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Rorschach does this too, he use to do it all the time but I walk away saying "no thank you" and he would stop looking a little disappointed. He doesn't do it as much now I guess he is trying the hard to get approach lol or he knows that when he does this it makes mommy walk away

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