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Dixie has this uncanny ability to tell exactly when it's night night time. All the lights are on in my office/the jungle, the tv is on, and I'm working away at the computer. Everyone is outside of their cages, having a blast and playing with toys. That is until Dixie announces it's night night. That's all she usually says - night night. Well that was until tonight. She announced night night, and I told her "wait a few minutes and it would be time. In a very loud, demanding voice she said 'NIGHT NIGHT, NIGHT NIGHT TIME!' Yes mistress, up I got, out went the lights, off went the tv, my work for the night was over. Good thing I have a few days left before that paper is due!



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LOL!!!!! That is too cute!!! Now my ekkie, Sully, he screams when he thinks its time for lights out. Louie, the Zon, he says "nite, nite" "Nite, nite Louie, several times and when I go into the bird room and tap the top of his cage door and say, Nite, nite Louie, he climbs into his cage so I can close the door. Now Ana Grey is a different story because I refuse to chase her around the room, I just turn off the bird room light, say nite, nite and close the door. She then goes to her sleep perch inside her cage and after a while I go in, close her cage door, and tell everyone nite, nite, see you in the morning.

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All hail the Dixie queen. LOL. That is so funny. Next with a wave of her gnarly little talon, she will say "You're dismissed". Hahaha, LOL. I used that once on a "superior", he left his office, then came back and said "This is MY office, you can't dismiss me!" I smiled nicely and asked "Then why did you leave?" Hahahaha.. LOL. Go Dixie!

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Z tells me when he's ready for bed. He goes back in his cage and sits on his bottom perch and says, "Are you sleepy? Are you gonna go beddie bye? It's time for beddie bye!" He'll repeat it over and over again. If I don't listen he'll yell, "I GOTTA GO!" He says good morning in the morning but at night it's "Good moo" for some reason.

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