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LuLu is HOME!

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OK we couldn't wait any longer. The breeder we had chosen for our Grey was not going to be able to produce the bird we wanted in November. I was so upset because it is all I keep dreaming of and I am a bit PO'd at the loss of my deposit but my husband said to look for another breeder immediately!

Well that adage about God doesn't close one door without opening another is true.

I GOT LUCKY! I found a 14 week old CAG with a breeder not even an hour from here through avianbiotech.com

I contacted the breeder this morning and by the grace of God she still had one CAG available. We ask the breeder for references and check everything out so she had us drive out to the aviary to meet them and discuss our options with LuLu. I fell in love the moment I saw LuLu and I knew she was meant for me. She stepped onto my hand without issue and we made eye contact. I even got to feed her apple right out of my hand. I couldn't resist and so I brought LuLu home today. She is 14 weeks old and she is already trying to say Hello!

She is so pretty and very gentle. She has already taken to me and I think she knows we are suppose to be best buddies!

I have one week to get her to the vet which I intend on having her there first thing on Tuesday being as the holiday has everything closed.

Now I have only a few questions. The breeder has her on Higgins Safflower Gold and I can't find it here in town...does anyone else have experience with this food and any idea where I can find it locally? If this isn't what is best for LuLu can someone suggest what would be best and how do I go about changing it for her? Also should I have just fresh veggies and fruits in her playstand cups or do I put her daily pellets as well?

Secondly, should I have perches by every bowl or is one between the bowls acceptable? I placed in two manzanita perches (one without bark and one with) one rope perch, and two calcium perches.

Last but not least. I am having a hell of a time find a cage cover that will cover top to bottom on this cage so is it acceptable to have the cover go a little more than half the way down?

Any suggestions on what is normal behavior while LuLu adjust to new home is good. She had some apple earlier and proceeded to regurgitate it for me about 15 minutes later. I did not gross out because I remember reading something about it being a sign of affection that they want to share with you. Later on she was having fun spreading out her wings to show me just how pretty she is. So I am hoping these are all good signs that she is as happy with me as I am with her.

Well I am off to spend time with LuLu. Have fun everyone and thank you in advance for all the wonderful advice. I am such a nervous new mom.


God bless,


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Kathy, I'm so very happy for you. Sounds like that was just the right door that opened for you and Lulu. She sounds like a real sweetheart. I hope you have time to post a picture soon!!


That's a lot of questions!

Don't worry about the cover reaching all the way to the bottom of the cage. I use a navy blue sheet to cover Talons cage.

You can mix the pellets with the veggies, if you want, some birds like that, but I would also offer her a separate bowl for her pellets, as the veggies will go bad much quicker than the pellets.


It sounds like she is feeling very content with you. I wouldn't worry too much, she'll sense your nervousness. I'm sure you will be a perfect parent to her.


Remember, no apple seeds, as they are toxic for them. Please keep us updated if you can tear yourself away for a few...:P

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Well congrats Kathy, and you are so right, he opens another door when one is closed. This was meant to be, I know it.


I use a black king size sheet to cover Josey's cage and it is a pretty good size cage, it covers it real good.


Yeah you can mix the pellets like Talon said, but put veggies and stuff in a separate bowl.


Don't be nervous, they pick up on your emotions, she sounds like she has taken to you already, just enjoy her and take it in stride.


When you get a chance, post a picture of her, we would love to see her.


I know you are on cloud nine at the moment and I am so happy it has worked out for you. Keep us informed in the coming weeks how she progresses.

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Congratulations Kathy, Lulu sounds one special little girl.


Be confident around her & when handling her, She will quickly pick up on this & her confidence & trust for you will blossom.


I would keep the fruit & veg seperate from her pellets, as Talon has said they will soil quicker.


Welcome to the world of being a grey owner :)

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Just loaded some photos of LuLu's first day home with us today not sure if it worked but maybe you can see LuLu's first photos. She spent most of the day playing on her playstand or sitting on my arm.

Breakfast for LuLu consisted of some scrambled egg, carrots,and bell peppers.

Lunch was part of a jalepeno, carrots, spinach and a few pomegranantes seeds.

Dinner was some pasta with chickpeas and brocolli and a smidge of orange for desert.

LuLu is doing very well except for her being very ornary about coming out of the cage. She climbs to the highest spot of the cage and refuses to come down. Talked to the breeder about this and she says I have to insist on LuLu coming out of the cage when I say so because I have to show LuLu that I am boss (haha...1 day with her and I know LuLu is going to be able to pull my strings).

Any suggestions on how to willingly get LuLu out of the cage would be appreciated as I don't want her to associate coming out as a negative experience.

I tried keeping her out most of the day having fun and playing with new toys on her playstand so it would be enjoyable for her.


~Kathy LuLu3.jpg


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Try using a treat as enticement for her to come out of the cage, something she really likes to eat or a nutriberry or peanut. If that doesn't work, then you are going to have to insist she come out by putting your hand in and asking her to step up. Give her that command and put your hand in front of her and gently push into her and she will step up to keep from going off balance. She needs to learn that when you say step up, or whatever word you want to use for that command, she is to step up. Repeat this several times during the day until she knows what it means.


I know it is hard to not spoil them but you cannot allow her to always get her way, she will own you not the other way around.


Glad it worked out for you and you have the bird you wanted and I know you are in for a lifetime of happiness like the rest of us, so enjoy your little girl.

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Guest Monique

Hi Kathy - welcome to the forum!!! Sounds like you have a wonderful new baby! One thing that will probably surprise you (it did me) is exactly how smart these birds are!!! I knew they were smart but WOW noone can really describe it until you experience it!


One thing that is really important is do not spend any more time with Lulu now than what you will when she is an adult. She needs to learn how to play in her cage and entertain herself so that she can be a healthy well-adjusted bird. I know this can be really hard to do with a new baby :laugh:. But it is still a must.


Looking forward to hearing all of your adventures with Lulu - I love her name it is very cute!

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Lulu sounds so wonderful for you.


There's a lot of good advice here for you on getting Lulu out of the cage. Our Grey climbs to the very top of his cage too, but this usually means he wants to come out. We just put our hand under him, and say "step up" and on to our hand he goes. Just like Judy said.

There are other times when I am cleaning his cage, and he wants out, he jumps onto my neck. Buy if that isn't a sight. Normally, he will climb onto to the front door when we come to get him out of his cage. There are many reasons why they do the things they do. She may just want to come out of her cage, and she doesn't yet know how to communicate this to you. Just keep consistency in getting her to come out. She will come to learn that a certain action means it's ok to come out.


We cover our CAG with a big sheet like Judy does. It does work very well.


WELCOME, we are so happy to have you & LULU.

Kim & Dayo

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Welcome Kathy and congratulations on your new Baby CAG.


Thanks for the information and photo you posted, what a cute looking Grey!


How is getting him out of his Cage going?


You have been doing all the right things from I can read in your post.


Once you get him out of the Cage, does he like to stay with you and perhaps get some Neck scratches?

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