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Just a Eating Machine!!!!!!!!


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Salsa is just an eating machine...if it will fit in her beaker, she will eat it...Her main pleasure in life is food followed closely by playing. It is nice to know that she has her priorities in order. Salsa's diet includes fresh veggies, fruit, seeds, and a cleaned chicken drumstick twice a week. For breakfast, she eats almost everything on her plate and then travels down to Joey's cage where Maggie is trying to feed Joey and Spock. She dives in and sneaks bites off the plate followed with a trip to Joey's cage for seeds and water. Then, if Tango is on Salsa's cage, she will fly over and sneak in and eat any left-over toast and fruit. Once Tango spots her, Salsa has to hightail it out before she loses a feather or two. For lunch, she enjoys her fresh veggies and fruit with a complimentary side of whole wheat bread crusts, followed with her daily walnut and almond. For dinner, she flies over and lands on my shoulder and sings in my ear when she is ready for a bite off of our plate which she delicately takes lady-like bites...Salsa loves to eat everything and everyone...she is definitely a "Zoniac"...;)

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Boy I think it`s a zon thing. Cricket will try anything and every thing that can be taken in by mouth or beak. If it`s on our plate she will try it. We keep her locked up when we have something that she should not have

The thing is she is so sweet about how she sneaks it and will run around the table to try and keep it. If it`s on our plate she thinks it`s hers.

If we take it away from her she looks at us like we are the meanest people on earth and those big big zon eyes make us feel so guilty.

She will climb to our shoulder and sit there and just look at you.

What Corky can do with her smart ass ways cricket can do with a look. And that look (WELL).

Edited by Ray P
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