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Moving Across Country- Advice Needed


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We are moving across the country in a couple of weeks. My husband and I will be driving two separate vehicles, each containing a bird in a cage. We are transporting Brutus, the grey, and Jimpster, a quaker. The trip will take at least four-five days. We thought that it would be less traumatic to have them with us, rather than leave them alone (with a bird sitter) for a week in an empty house. Already, much of furniture is gone, but they seem to be taking the changing home environment well.


Do you have any advice for us before we roll outta here? Also any advice for introducing them to a new home?


Thank you

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If they are used to travel cages they should do fine, I have traveled with my fids, of course it was only for a few hours but I don't see a problem with longer trips, maybe stop now and then to give them some personal time. I hope you have scoped out some motels if that is where you are staying to make sure they will accept them but continue to go as close to their regular schedule as possible, make sure they get to bed regular time. Pack treats, food, toys and plenty of water to do them the entire trip, if they are harness trained you could take them out for a spell to let them get some fresh air and sunshine if that is an option.

When you get there assemble their cages and put them where they will be placed in the new house, they will adjust to the new surroundings and be sure to tell them what you are doing, explain things to them for they understand more than what we give them credit for.

Most enjoy watching the scenery out the window but if large trucks and the like frighten them as they pass you then have some towels or covers you could put across the side of the cage to minimize stress and play it by ear.

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Can I suggest to cover one-half of each cage? I think that would give them the oppertunity to hide when they get spooked, or if they get sleepy, but also give them the chance to peek out and see what's going on... and possibly, also explaining to them what's going on... so after a few times, they will understand, such as:

"Let's go!" When you start the car & buckle your seatbelt

"Almost there" when you're getting ready to stop somewhere

and maybe when you get to the hotels, say "Just a little while" or something of the sort... Just kind of clue them in to what's going on. Sometimes just your voice sounding confident and calm will help too :)


Good luck, and a safe trip!

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If you give them tap water I would take a couple of gallons with you. Different water in different areas can upset the tummy. I drove a truck for over 15 years, and some water didn't agree with me either and made it hard to do my job. So I would start mixing a little of each to get them use to the difference. Good luck, and travel safely.

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We traveled across country with my grey and 2 dogs. The dogs were in kennels, and Babalu in a wire travel cage. I did cover the back half of his cage. He stayed pretty quite while driving in the car. We stopped at hotels at night and brought everyone in. We tried to keep the same sleep routine. I got Babalu out of the cage while we were in the hotel room getting ready for bed, and then again while we got ready to leave in the morning. When we got where we were going, we put his normal cage together and again, tried to keep the same routine we did before we moved, and he was fine. This pic was before we covered the back half of the cage (less commotion for him to see).


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Thanks for the advice....we are moving soon from Ohio to Florida...moving 3 dogs.....a cat ....a pionus....2 conures.....a timneh....and an 81 year old father in law......OMG....i am not looking forward to the moving part....just the no snow part:)

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Thanks you guys! Boy, you really gave me good advice (everybody) and encouragement (Marcus) and I REALLY appreciate it! Brutus is very used to traveling in the car and I am not worried about him. I am worried about Jimpster, he might get carsick. It IS such a long time to be in a cage. I want to let them out in the hotel room (they both fly). I guess I am worried about collisions and accidents because of unfamiliar places. Good point about drinking water. Brutus likes it when I sing, so I guess I will sing (since no one else will witness my pitiful ability). Thank you so much! We are excited and freaked out all at the same time!

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From the day Corky our CAG and Cricket our BFA came to live with us they have never been away from us so that means that when we go so do they.

Croky has been in 25 of the 50 states and a good share of them many many times. Cricket has been in atleast 15 states. Cricket has not been with us as long as Corky.

They have their travel cage and they seam to enjoy the travel very much and I think it`s because they are close to us all the time.

If you talk to them as you drive and point out things and don`t go around corners to fast it should be fine.

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  • 1 month later...

Update, Both our birds moved like pros! We all had a good time communing in the small car space. I felt bad about not letting them out to fly around for three days, but we finally stayed in a large hotel room, and I was able to let them out. Once in our new house Brutus hid in an open dark closet for a couple of days. He did not want a new house! It has been a month and Brutus has been SO sweet and clingy. He seems to be coming around now and is starting to be more willful. I would say both of our birds are much more resilient than I thought they would be under the circumstances.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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