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I offended Cosmo!


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Cosmo is nearly a year old and I've been having trouble getting him to put on wieght. Hes perfectly healthy, but I'd like to see him get some more protien and put on some...meat. I know many members feed their FIDs eggs, chicken ect. But I've always had trouble with that thought. It just seems somehow perverse...even though its really not much different than me eating cow.


Well the other night we had chicken for dinner and I decided to just try it and see if he took to it. I offered him a small piece and of course he jumped right too it happily(he is always VERY interested what I'm eating). He gave it an initial lick and then flinched back quickly like he was startled. He then inched back over to it and tested it with his beak. He gave a growl and attacked it angrily knocking it out of my hand. I said "ok, no chicken..." Anyway a bit later when i went to let him out of the cage(its playtime after dinner) he wouldnt come out and flinched away from my hand. He wanted absolutely nothing to do with me. when I came near the cage he would climb to the far side of the cage away from me. Mind you this is a bird that ALWAYS climbs right to me and treats me like his personal jungle gym and cuddle perch. This behavior lasted for nearly two days. I gave him his space and on the third day he was back to his normal self.


Of course it may be one huge coincidence. And while I was...concerned for those two days he was distant it has now become a good laugh in our household. We all interpret Cosmo as having been offended...... "Is that BIRD?!?! You sick bastard!!!" :D

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Naughty Mawnee, shame on you, Cosmo is no cannibal!!!! LOL!!! I have always had the same problem with my parrots, I thought it was wrong, wrong, wrong to feed them anything feathered. I have I tried a little chicken and then turkey after a while but funny thing is..... they just won't eat it!!!! Not even chicken bones!!!

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OH MY, I almost peed my pants with laughter! That is tooooooo funny! Cosmo is not cannibal, but Dixie will eat all the chicken bones she can get her talons on! I still have the 'zon who won't touch anything but his pellets and dried veggies, but then again we all have our problem children.



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