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Sully knows somethings off.. and I think he's a little sad!!


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I don't know if anyone remembers, but a few months ago, my dad's little lovebird, Juliet passed away. Well, my dad grew fond of our Sun Conure, Zoe Ann. She had "sleep overs" with him a few nights a week where she was spoiled and loved :) She really seemed to brighten my fathers day as he has been going through radiation treatments for prostate cancer :)


Anyway, we decided as a family that Zoe Ann should go to live with my dad. She's so fond of him and really loves to be anywhere he is. We made the transition gradually, but Sully seems to know now that she is gone permanently. He looks for her in what used to be her room (the den, where she and our Nanday lived). He beatboxes for her and listens for her call and seems sad when he doesn't hear her. I'm wondering if he's sad or this is just me looking a little too far into it :\


She will still be visiting us every so often, but I'm wondering if birds can really grasp when another is gone?

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This is so wonderful what you did, and also so sad. Maggie and I have re-homed many friends that we had taken in to rehabilitate, each time with sadness as we moved them on to there new home. If I may, one thing we learned is a "Sleep over" is one thing, but a permanent re-home is completely different. In most cases, it isn't wise to bring this fid back to there previous home, especially if other fids are involved, not the same as the "Sleep overs". It's like, "reopening a old wound", never allowed to heal. Your visits to your dad's is ok, just don't spend as much time with Zoe Ann as you did when she live with you. Each day we are learning just how much our fids remember, learning we must put there well being before everything else. We each must move on, a permanent separation is the wises move you can make for all involved, especially sully.

Thank you


Edited by Jayd
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when we rehomed kallie, she had been with 2 u2's. the first couple of weeks, she "called" over and over in u2 for her flock. she would do some of the things the u2s had done as far as moving around her cage. she missed them and she knew they weren't with her anymore. she does her u2 sounds less as time goes on, but when she does do it, she's looking for them, she paces in her cage when she's calling for them. sully misses zoe and over time it will lessen. i still find it amazing that our pets really do feel loss and even grief and i love them all the more for it!

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When my love birds passed - within 3 months of each other - Dixie definitely knew there was a loss in the house. She was extraordinarily quiet for a few days after they were gone and seemed to be more "loving" than normal, as if to comfort me. I believe our birds are extremely empathetic to our emotions and thus they also feel loss when one of their own is no longer around, even if their absence is due to a great reason.



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awww :) Your stories are touching :)

I do believe Sully is missing her. Even though they lived in separate rooms, He mimicks her call, and notices the absence of a call back. I think I will limit the visits from Zoe Ann except when my parents go on vacation (which isn't too often)... I went to visit with my parents day before yesterday, and she was quite content, and didn't even want to come to me!!! Lol, she flew to my dad and stuck with him, chit chatting to me, but not wanting to leave him. It made me a little sad, but I know she is so much happier and better there. She only got a couple hours a day out at my home, but my dad lets her come and go as she pleases during the day, and since he is retired and home all day, she is out for 12 hours plus. It's a great sight :)

Oh- and he's SET on building her a HUGE play gym, that will take over the majority of the space in my old room :o

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Thanks everyone :)

He's seemed to adjust well over the past few days. He still beatboxes, but does his own little dance now instead of listening for her everytime... When he wonders into her room, we tell him "Zoe lives with Dwain now!" I'm hoping that is better than saying she went "bye bye"... because that's what we say to him when we leave the house, and I didn't want him to think she was coming back, like we do. Their intelligence surprises me, still.

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