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Wild Stolen Baby CAG


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Yesterday i went to the pet store i got my lost baby parrot from. I found that he had another baby parrot, and he was treating him badly. I had a huge argument with he guy, that he shouldn't do so but he just didn't care. I tried to report the guy but i was told that nothing will happen, and if i have a prof he will pay a small fine and thats it. I went back to the store and looked at the poor thing and decided to buy him, maybe i'll give him a better chance of surviving. He charged me even more than he did first time, that i had to go and borrow money from a friend. Anyway, i have him home now, so far he looks healthy, very aggressive but healthy. Today he ate streamed corn, sunflower seed, broccoli, peanuts. I am not sure what to feed him and what not, he seems same age as the one that i lost, but the guy says he is 6 months old. The bird have very dark grey eyes, but not 100 % back, under light you can see the grey. The bird has been smuggled into the country through three different countries before it got here, so you can imagine how it feels. I hanged the bird cage high in the room so that he is comfortable, i'll give hi his time. Can someone guide me on how to go on from now. What to feed him what not? Should i use the formula (however, he doesn't allow me near him)?

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I mean no offense... but one baby has already died in your care. What makes you think you are giving this one any better of a chance than the one that died 4 days ago?




I am beside myself right now after reading your last thread......and now knowing that another baby is right now being put in the same situation is .....inconceivable.


By all means please follow any and all advice offered by the great members of this forum. But my personal advice is to find someone local who knows what they are doing to raise this baby or at least help you raise it.

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No offense taken, but from what i saw, the chances for the bird to survive with me is higher than keeping him with the guy. I did what i think is the best for the bird. I really hope that i can help this poor one. I hope its not a lose lose situation.

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In all reality this is probably going to offend you very much.


Given that you have already contributed to the death of a baby grey, I cannot for the life of me see you purchasing another bird to supposedly save. You do not have the knowledge needed or the foods needed to care for these birds. You state that they are smuggled into the country, but that the authorities will do nothing about it. From what I know of other countries, smuggling of animals into them is a serious offense, and if you have information regarding such activities, then you would be more responsible person by reporting it to the authorities and letting them handle the situation rather than you take the matters in to your own hands and contributing to the death of the birds.


This forum is for those people who have the common sense and decency to care for their birds. It is not a place to bail your behind out when you have bitten off more than you can chew, or seek sympathy or extoll knowledge from people through wild tales of smuggling and the like. I have read your posts about wild caught smuggled birds, but I have to believe the information that is available about them being caught - as adults, not as babies. You've already been told that baby greys will hiss and growl at new people and things. I've seen it myself from hand reared birds that I watched grow up, so I don't buy the theory that these are "wild stolen baby CAGs." I do believe you are looking for some type of acknowledgement or trying to glean the information for other purposes.


PS - I found the image of the baby grey you posted in several places on the web when I did a search on "greys on a cage"



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My first action would be to report this guy to authorities. Repeatedly if needed and to other institues if you local authority doesn't care and won't do anything then find someone who will. Federal authorties, animal activitist groups, there are people who care with power to do something about it , i would find them.


If this is the 2nd bird you have to rescue from this guy, image how many other shady animal deals he is working that you are not aware of. If you really want to help the grey, stop this man from bringing in more.


If you don;t feel comfortable doing it, tell anyone here, let us know who/where these offenses are happening and we will put a stop to it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I obviously missed much, and probably didn't read all the other posts of this user (if they exist, except thread Mawnee put a link to, and this one) so maybe I am lacking a big piece of the puzzle.. Never the less, I wanted to implore Kodoo not to run from this forum and to keep us informed. I'll admit there is something fishy about some parts of the story, and I know all other posts here are said with nothing less than best intentions (and I do agree with a lot), but people, let's ease up just a bit, and not scare away this one, or any other user. We don't know how this person will react to your/our posts and we may end up with contra effect. Baby grey is in trouble. It is another life we are talking about here so we do want updates and no matter (for now) what is really going on here, we want to help out because of the bird! If Kodo sticks with us, we'll all have time to smooth all the bumps on the rode. I'll give the credit where credit is due. Yes, authorities should be notified and this situation taken extremely seriously. Maybe there was a noble note involved in rescuing the bird in distress, but taking so huge responsibility when you don't know anything about taking care of one is a lack of judgment. The bird could be in even greater danger now. Without feeding, there are still so many variables that could contribute to death of a Grey, even a healthy one at that. I beg of you, Kodoo, do try to find a good avian vet to check out the bird immediately and please let us know how did it go. Another thing. Even with all good intentions about saving this Grey, you said you borrowed money to buy him (and you've mentioned you have kids). How do you expect to care for him without money? Vet checkups cost a lot, not to mention other necessities. It is the same as having a child. I'm not judging because I am (still) learning a great deal how to care about a Grey myself and I too had money issues not so long ago. I made a lot of mistakes, still do, but without this forum and a great support of all the people here on it, my birdie would have a (much) lower quality of life. So, stay with us, don't let us scare you too much and do write again soon. Best to you and your Grey! :-)

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