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Terrible Two's Anyone?


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We seem to be experiencing the terrible twos with Nilah, my yellow crowned amazon. I have been thru it with my greys, but it was nothing compared to Nilah!


She is into everything, stubborn when the mood strikes her....I have to watch her just like she's a toddler. When it gets quiet, I have to go looking for her because that means she's somewhere she shouldn't be and getting into mischief!


Any amazon owners out there going thru the same thing? Nilah will be 2 in less than 2 weeks, but she's been acting like 2 for a little while now.

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Do you think it could be that it`s spring and she is going through the (H) thing ?

Cricket starts in Jan.thru April but she does not get aggressive just needy and wants to be with me allll the time and she just clings to me.

It`s been that way for the two years she has been with us

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Louie has been more docile lately, which I am very happy about. He has more or less mellowed out. He is not so much the wrecking machine that he was a month ago. So perhaps he is now over his "hots." He was never mean or aggressive just chewed up all the wooden toys he could find and attacked all the boings and swings! He is a true sweetheart for sure! Louie was 3 in January!

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Ooohhh my gosh!!! I feel your pain. Salsa beats Joey and Spock into the bedroom before I have a chance to get up after Maggie opens the door. She lands on my head and nips the nape of my neck while saying "Step up, step up!". The 2 foot cord on my BP meter is now 2 pieces six inches long. With the cuff on my arm, Maggie has to hold the machine under my chin while I check my BP. When I am up, Salsa will fly over to my shoulder and reach down and rip off a button with a swift tug and then fly off saying "Salsa, what a good girl". Joey and Spock have nothing to do with Tango even though they are all loose and fly. (Tango still doesn't fly) Tango doesn't bother them either. Salsa is another story. With Tango wandering around on the outside of her large cage, Salsa will land on Tango's cage within biting distance. Tango will flair her topnotch and wings and with her beak open will lunge with dinner in her eyes at Salsa. Salsa will squawk and back-flap away from her. Salsa does this when Tango's not looking. Salsa also flies by and teases Tango. Payback is a b----h. Last night, Tango learned how to open the latch on her cage. About 4am, we heard Salsa squawking. Maggie ran out to the other room to look and there is Tango standing on the cage doing her bootie dance and shaking her head and Salsa is on the bottom of her cage squawking. There is now a padlock on Tango's cage. We keep a close eye on Salsa. Hope the terrible twos stop soon.



(Dictated verbatim by Jay and typed by Maggie)

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I definitely think the H isn't the problem here, she is just turning 2. But she is acting like misbehaved 2 year old, biting anything she can get her little beak on. Getting into every known "NO" items. Biting the dog, attacking the cat, chasing the other birds around and pushing them off their perches!! Ugh!

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She sounds like a little monster. LOL


She sure can be.....but then she is loving and sweet.......I am sure this will pass.


Actually, I watched her, she isn't really biting the cat, she is trying to preen her!!!!!!!!!!! The cat doesn't mind at all.........but I SURE DO!!! :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nilah sounds like my lovebird, Oboe! He's been acting like a bratty little brother lately to everybody, including me. It's actually pretty funny if you just sit back and watch. (He's nine months old now, but he's been two years old for the last seven of his nine months.)

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