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Why is he coughing!? -HELP


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The first time Zak coughed I wrote a post here by the name: Zak give us quite a scare.. Long story short..-he was eating at the time and I thought something went down his windpipe as he got scared.. It happened two times since then in a period of approx 40 days. He was always eating. This is another reason I decided to cook a Tinkmash!-I didn't want Zak to choke on solid food... I know it sounds strange.. But today he wasn't eating or drinking and he did it again. He was coughing really bad and I caught some of it on my camera. Not the worst part but still.. Could you please listen to it/watch it and give your opinions? I wrote the same mail to my vet today but as it is Saturday, I'll have to wait a bit longer for her reply, and I am scared. Here is the link:


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Zakica had another "episode" today!!!! It is becoming more frequent! I am very worried! After the coughing/sneezing episode he remains standing in one position for 5 minutes at least as though he is recuperating from something.

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I agree with Judy. You'll need to visit the vet as soon as possible as it may be serious. Greys do cough but only when they've heard a person doing it over a long period of time. They're imitating the person who's doing the coughing. If you don't get an Email back, call the vet. Get him checked out quickly. We here can't tell you what it is because we're not vets.

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We were yesterday and the day before at the vets. Did x-rays again. Everything looks ok. He had a yearly check up in about a month ago.. We (vet and me) were talking about this coughing on Friday but we agreed it looked like he was hurrying with eating and chocked-because he was always eating while that happened. I sent her e-mails yesterday and today but she obviously haven't seen them or she would have replied. I'll call her tomorrow (on Monday) but till then, I really need any experience from all you guys you can offer. The coughing is not the only problem. The reason we went to the vet in the first place is because Zak stop singing/talking one day (on Wednesday) and he cuddled a lot. He cuddles a lot when something is wrong. Then he wants somebody (me) to be near him. That day I noticed he ate a bit less. The next day he ate a bit less than usual too, but then I noticed he started to limp. I packed him and we were at our vets at the same morning. She looked at him; technician couldn't do x-rays because he was totally freaking out (and she couldn't be with him. Actually, she wasn't even supposed to be working at all that morning but she came because I cried on the phone to her colleague). she gave him metacam and lactose and said if he won't be acting better tomorrow that we should come again. We came the very next morning again. Now she went with him and they did x-rays from the front and on the side. His right leg/muscle seems a bit bigger like it is inflamed and the bones are all ok. On the x ray you can see that all the organs are just great, so she said to take the same "medications" during the weekend and that about the leg we can just wait and see. Advised to administer calcium lux twice a week instead of once a week like I did till now. She said to call her on Monday if anything wouldn't be ok. I'll be calling for sure. Zak is flying very little-like he is preserving his strength. Resting a lot. He plays a bit. He eats really good. He even started to nib on Tinkmash. But he is very quiet. He cuddles a lot. Yesterday he clenched (like he usually does when he rests his feet) his sick foot for the first time in this couple of days. He stands on that foot too. Not with the full body weight and from time to time he lifts it. This state with the foot happened over night, and the coughing started as I said before. He never coughed before and it seems like it is progressing. I am very scared and don't know what to think!

Edited by Morana
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I forgot to mention. While examining him they tested the squeeze of both feet. They were the same-strong and normal. If he broke something the grip wouldn't be even close to the normal as this one was. His pupils were reacting normally. He didn't have any other signs of neurological distress or anything out of the ordinary.

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That definetly seems like a very real cough. I hope the vets figure it out and Zak is all better soon. :(


Our Cosmo has a cough, but we know its an imitation. I had a cold for a couple weeks last fall and he started imitating me during that time. Now its part of his regular vocab and he'll throw it in while being chatty. He also has a sneeze.....


With Zak though, his body language during the cough makes it obviously not a mimic.

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Well, you said that ***She said to call her on Monday if anything wouldn't be ok. I'll be calling for sure.****


Tommorow is monday and many of the things you're referring to need a vet's opinion. He/she will give a much better explanation and do testing that hasn't been done before.

For now until tommorrow, don't let him fly around and don't do things around him that might cause nervousness. You're talking about too many symptoms or actions here but we have no idea what they apply to. On the one hand you're saying that some things are pretty normal or at least not very bad. On the other hand you're saying that he only gets affectionate when he's having problems. We can't really tell you what's going on because you're naming off things that may be related or not related. About the only thing we mention is the cough. The bird needs treatment for it. The other things may be related or maybe not. It would be a good idea to take a piece of paper and write down everything that's going on just the way you did here. This is a situation where guessing isn't good by any of us but what's on your side is that the vet visit is very soon.

Edited by Dave007
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Not specifically. We did all sorts of tests and if any of them had been even a bit off we would go in direction in which it pointed, but since that wasn't the case, we ruled out the aspergosis at the time. Of course, that was over a month ago. But I was paranoid about everything,among other, about aspergosis too so I'm sure we didn't miss anything then. I'll make sure we don't miss anything now.


And Dave, maybe my rambling is misleading but I feel safer when I share my troubles with you all. At that note, now Zak want's to cuddle 100% of the time which is the case when he is not feeling himself. He is cuddly at normal times too, sometimes exceedingly so, but it doesn't last very long-at least not long as "all day, every day"...if that answers your question. Also, I'm sure what I need to mention to my vet but saying all that in English, so it makes sense is not my strongest suit, so hence the strange sentences ;-) I'm taking good care of him-he is not flying around, I'm not spooking him with anything. I'm helping him t go where he wants to go. I'm cleaning his bowls all the time, putting all sort of various food so he eats a bit of everything that I think he needs and so on.. And of course, I'm cuddling him all the time:-)

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Zak had another fit of cough about an hour ago!! This one was the longest and the worst. I'm out of my mind right now! He was making all sorts of sounds while it lasted, it was really bad:-((((((((((((((((((((((

I'm definitly taking him to the vet tomorrow morning:-(

Guys, keep your fingers crossed for us.

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Here's the update.

There is nothing wrong with Zak. He sure as hell doesn't have aspergiloses. More so... he doesn't have fungi,..anything really.. His leg is better. Have no idea how this happened tho. He got antibiotics, more for the stress endured than anything else.. So, he is walking fine, but he is still coughing a bit and we don't know why. He looks great. He also started to talk and play but there is still that annoying cough! Grrrrrrr!!!! We are waiting for it to subside till the next week...

But I can tell you, he had been fine with the "all going to the vet thing" till this Monday. Then he freaked out and I had to chase him all over the place to put him in the carrioer and it was horrible for us both. He is recuperating now. We are fine again but it was barely endurable! I was torturing him and he was biting me back!:-(

Hope this coughing stops and we'll be all fine again...

Talk to you soon;-)

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Zakica is not coughing at all so it makes me wonder whether that was induced with the shock he endured while going three times to the vet almost 3 days in a row... The first time, technician on the X-ray department couldn't take Zak from the carrier without incident (have no idea why was there any problem this time) and Zak flew away. He flew across the big room landing wherever he could and on the high places there was so much dust that when he landed, a cushions of the dust flew all around:-S It was reasonable to assume that that and the stress was the cause for his coughing, but since he did cough like that three times before I panicked. Labs confirmed that there is nothing Wrong with Zak but I am still watching him like a hawk. We discontinued calcium-Lux till today and also the Tinkmash. I'll be gradually bringing that back so we'll see whether there was some kind of allergy involved too.. Keep your fingers crossed.


PS: his leg is fine too:-)

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