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The Evil Kazoo


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So this is what happened earlier this evening; until it transpired, I had all but forgotten that a nearly identical scenario occurred a couple of weeks ago:


With the longer daylight hours now, those families with younger children on our street have been letting them play outside after dinner. At least one child (but I think two) has a kazoo. Remember those things? :) Anyway, the first time I heard them playing their kazoos outside somewhere in the street, our boys got very agitated, and Beaker [QP] went into a screaming fit. I figured it was the sound of the kazoos because he quieted down again once the kids went inside, or at least stopped playing them.


Silly Mommy has a memory like a sieve sometimes, apparently, because when Beaker started shrieking like he was being stabbed earlier tonight, I ran back into the boys' room and demanded to know, "Why are you screaming? What's the matter with Beaker?"


I said the second part very firmly and stared at Marcus, who was perched on his open cage door. If a parrot can be said to be sitting up "poker straight", that's what Marcus was doing: his neck was all elongated and his feathers were ruffled and he kind of looked like some weird sort of swan! But Marcus said quite clearly, "Stop it!"


At first I thought he was chastising Beaker, but then I heard the kazoo. The two of them were very tense, and so I turned to Marcus and asked him, "Is it that sound? Is it that bad sound outside?"


He kind of made a little snapping noise and started climbing back into his cage. At about that time, the kazoo was silenced. It made me wonder, does a kazoo perhaps sound like a dying bird or something? Anyone else ever have any experience with their fids freaking out because of a seemingly harmless kazoo? I'm still a bit amazed at how strong their reactions were...

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I live in a neighborhood, where people don't respect others at all. They sit outside blow the horns, jam the music all hours of the day and night. Well, prince can not stand the sound of a horn. He starts freaking out going crazy all over his cage.

Roy he screams at the loud music, probably because it vibrates his house.

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