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What wonderful Posts!!


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Just browsing over a few of the posts and pictures of all your wonderful Zons is so heartwarming. I have just begun to read all that I have missed and I have missed some great stories and interactions of our great companions and their parrots. Yes, it is that time of year...spring time...and Amazons put the "H" in hormonal. It's even harder for those like Janet who has re-homed an Amazon like Louie and they are both trying to adapt to new surroundings and then to have the big "H" pop its head into the picture. A combination of these factors does increase aggressive behavior with some 'Zons. Salsa is experiencing her first bout with the big "H" so she is slightly aggressive one minute and forgiving the next. Remember that diet is a big component of the "H" factor. As opposed to a Grey, an Amazon needs a low-fat/high protein diet that contains more fruit and seeds then you would ever give to a Grey. Seeds, fruits and fresh veggies are the staple with a lesser portion of pellets and legumes replacing these pellets. Slices of orange, seeded grapes, blue-berries and orange and dark green leafy veggies on a daily basis and a good seed mix minus shelled peanuts are good. Give nuts as a treat. One almond, one-half cashew and one-half walnut make an excellent treat and good incentive. Make sure you keep your daylight hours to ten hours or less. No light misting baths but one heavy bath on a weekly to ten day basis, again to keep from over-stimulation. Zons are foragers and spend time by themselves foraging and shredding. Safe barks (like eucalyptus) and bird-safe hemp rope tied into knots with little pieces of wood intertwined makes great toys to keep them occupied and their minds on other things. Some Zons have hormonal periods twice a year...be prepared for this. It is wonderful to be back with all my old and hope-to-make new friends here on the forum. Please be patient with me while I read all your posts. (Luv u Janet)

Thanks, Jayd

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When I joined this forum it was because I had a african grey and also because there was a room just for amazons that was fun to read and I also have a BFA.

You paved the way for a group of us that had both greys and zons and we could share our good times and bad times. We share a common goal with our zons and our greys and it`s because of you. Welcome back.

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