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Bad Hormonal Boy


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Brutus is turning three soon. He especially seems hormonally driven lately. He keeps trying to regurgitate and mate with our Quaker parrot (parakeet). Luckily, Jimmy is fast and will not allow it. Watching the two of them is like watching an experienced fencer (Jimmy) and a lumbering Viking with a club (Brutus). Jimmy gets a bunch of jabs in before Brutus even knows what hit him. Not only is he trying to mate with Jimmy, but his moods have become unpredictable. At one moment he seems loving, and the next, he flies at your face. Thankfully, I duck quickly. My new strategy is to pet him mainly at night when he is mellow, and to pet him during the day only where he does not have easy access to my face. ALL the books say do not try to dominate an African Grey, but is there some way to scold him? I am doing a stern, "NO!"


How do you handle your hormonal grey?

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