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Spock's Two Cents Worth


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Greetings all…I found two minutes between taking care of Jay and the flock family…Just wanted to bring you an update on them all...

Spock here….I finally got to the computer...Sheesh! It has been harder than cracking into Fort Knox to get near a computer these days. Ever since the incident where I accidently dropped my load on the computer and then the keys stuck together, the computer has been off-limits to me.

The flock has been flourishing under my control. Salsa is still a green pain but she is also my flying buddy so I can excuse her annoying behavior. We have a great time playing chase and dive-bombing anyone in our way. Joey even unbends sometimes and flies with us but then he remembers he is the elder and lands on Jay; pretending that he is above all this.

Tango, that big white thing, talks a lot more now and has learned how to open her cage latch (hehehe…I guess she learned that from me) and she created havoc this morning when she opened her door latch, climbed over to Salsa’s cage while everyone was still asleep and started yelling at her and shaking her bootie…it was too funny… (Although not for Salsa…she was asleep at the time)

The little green things (Loki and Luna-Green Cheek Conures) spice things up sometimes when they sneak out of their room and fly around ours. Boy; is Loki a mean thing…He has all the others buffaloed. Salsa runs and hides…Tango starts yelling and Joey goes to his perch in the kitchen. Not me though, I just fly away because I don’t want to get in the middle of the fray.

Poppa (Jay) has been down sick so we all take turns taking care of him. Joey asks Maggie (Babe) “Where’s Poppa? Is Poppa ok?” and when she says he is still night-night, he says “Okay”. “He will be up soon”.

Spock! Step away from the computer! I turn my back for two minutes and there you are!! What Spock was going to tell you is something that I find truly amazing and it blows our minds every time we hear them… Joey and Spock carry on conversations not only in Congolese but in English also. Joey will call Spock’s name and say:

“Spock! Whatcha doing?”

Spock will reply “Nothing” or “Whatcha want?”

Joey will answer “Come here! Hehehe”

Spock will answer “No! Whatcha want?”

Joey will reply “I want a good nut?”

Spock: “Good water?” and make a gurgling water sound.

Joey: “No!!! Good nut!”

Spock: “Okay”

Salsa will chime in “Salsa’s a good girl!” to which Spock or Joey will say “Shut up Salsa” and Tango will answer “You B----s----d” (We didn’t teach her that…she learned that from her previous owners Oh MY!)

Then Joey will bob his head really fast and Spock will sing “OOOOOHHH!” which is their signal to me to sing “Old McDonald had a farm” to them or the “Hokie-Pokie song”. When I go to get Jay up in the bedroom, Joey, Spock and Salsa will fly in and land on Jay’s head, shoulder and arm. Tango will start screeching and I have to go over to get her and carry her into the bedroom. She gets down on the bed and starts prancing around…too funny.

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It is so good to hear from you Spock and Maggie to hear about The Flock!! I miss you all tremendously so just any ole time you get a chance please, please let us know how you all are and what you are up to. Jay, here is hoping that your health improves and you can join us all again soon. Big Hugs, Jay, Maggie, Spock, Joey, Tango and .... all the flock!!!!

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What a wonderful update Spock! We miss hearing of the antics in your flock so keep up the great work on taking care of Maggie & Jay and everyone else. Tell Jay we're all praying for a complete recovery and hope to hear from you again soon!



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You don't know me, but I've been thinking about your flock/family. Glad you have a computer again so we can hear more!


Love the conversation between Spock and Joey! I'll be thinking and chuckling about that all day long. Ahh, perfect thoughts for a Friday.

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Spock, you darling! I'm so glad you were able to sneak a couple of minutes and update us all! Please tell Poppy (Jay) I'm still sending healing light and please get well soon. Tell Maggie I love her a LOT. Remeber I love you too, really all your flock. Remind the others to be extra good so that Maggie has time to rest and so that Jay can get better fast. I had to be extra good when my mom was sick and getting better. And she did.

Love you, Spock


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Good to hear from you Spock & keep up the good work looking after your flock. keep us updated on how thing are going & say hi to Poppa Jay for me, give him my best. Maybe a good nut might make him feel better, have you tried that yet?


Gotta try that...ROFLOL

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Nice to meet all of you, Spock and family! By the welcome you've received here in this thread I can tell you're a beloved part of the flock here in the Grey forums... I look forward to hearing more of your (Spock and Joey's) antics soon. :)

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