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Playtime in the Jungle Room


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That one actually came from PetSmart. I bought it for my U2 but he had no interest, nor did any of the others, Yoshi got it as a hand-me-down and she's the only one who's showed any interest. It is just bamboo that has been sliced in pieces to be chewed up.

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Robin you have a real jungle there with all those cages and birds, all of them were doing their own thing except the suns were looking like they wanted their time out of their cage but they have to wait their turn with the larger ones out, those suns probably think they are as big or bigger than the greys, I know my sun conure thinks she is the big cheese. Thanks for sharing that vid with us.

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Robin, what a beautiful room. I have all the same cages for my 3 birds. I love how you have the perches on the outside of the cages going up to a variety of things. It has sparked my interest in adding to my room like yours. ThNk you for the ideas and for sharing it with us. it's always nice to see how others have their rooms set up. Gives us a new insight.


Now for the REAL question......how in the world, do you get them all so busy at the same time? Mine go off destroying my house and getting into everything they shouldn't. :(

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:(......I just remembered WHY I never put perches on the outside of my cages...I can't COVER them at night. My birds like their privacy...:(


Mine have the whole room to themselves when it's 'night night' time. I'm the one who has to leave. That and they don't have the issues of light coming in from other parts of the house. My office/The Jungle Room is located on one end of the house with no distractions or noise coming in on them. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to have the perches on the outside of their cages.



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Wow!! Beautiful birdy room. Those are some lucky, lucky fids! I like how Beau quit chewing your blinds when you told him to! Biscotti would have just continued to chew on them but would be verbally chastising himself, "bad bird, bad bad bird" lol. Thanks for sharing this great video of your beautiful flock!

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Well, I have started adding perches to the outside of the cages. The cover does work still, only it sticks out in some places :) I added some more ceiling boings also. So far, my Amazon is the most excited to show off how she can climb to the top, down again and onto everyones cages! It continues to be a work in progress...:)

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Well, I have started adding perches to the outside of the cages. The cover does work still, only it sticks out in some places :) I added some more ceiling boings also. So far, my Amazon is the most excited to show off how she can climb to the top, down again and onto everyones cages! It continues to be a work in progress...:)


Amazons are always a work in progress

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow I LOVE all the toys and fun things in there! I'm so glad you gave Yoshi such a loving home and that she can continue her spoilt, happy life :) Looks like she has a lot to do and plenty of other goofy birds to watch :)


Thanks for the video, it really is nice to see her doing well. I miss her so much but I know that you have totally given her a better home.

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