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hi my name is julie i have an african grey who is 15 hes called jake not sure what sex he or she is and i have a female african called bella who is three and i just got her two days ago rescue. she feather plucks any advice greatfully recived and advice on how to introduse her to jake appreciated and hello every one looking forward to hearing from you regards julie

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Hello Julie and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing lots more about you, Jake and Bella.

Since you brought home a rescue you should be observing quarantine procedures meaning keeping them separate for a while or at least until you have the new one vet checked to make sure she is healthy before allowing them to be close in proximity.

A vet check is in order anyways to check for possible physical reasons for the plucking but you probably know that greys are prone to plucking problems, be sure to check out some of the threads in the health room for ideas and suggestions.

Please read thru the many threads here for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

I assume that is Jake in your avatar but if you have some pictures of both of them please do share some with us.

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Welcome to the group.... Greyt to hear that you have decided to rescue one!!!! not sure about the plucking and all as i have never dealt w it myself. and as far as a vet check, I concure. can't wait to see pics and all of the new one!!


hi ty very much bella was vet checked yesterday at bolton vets for pets she is in good health and apart from a bald tummy a lovely bird she was always alone before i rescued her with no toys or stimulation i have got her several toys that i will introduse slowly she loves the mirror and the chew toy i have placed in her cage she instantly played with them i am giving her a vitamin rich fruity seed have added a egg based seed in it to give her a boost she likes yhogart and cheerios for her morning snack she is very busys in her cage exploring and chatting to me just descoverd she dose a high five so funny to see i hpoe lots of interaction and things to do will help with the plucking i have had jake out all day and he dont look non too impressed at this imposter in the other room he can hear her chattin and has anwserd a few times but he seeems a little sulky would realy like them to be freinds eventualy is this possable or am i askin tooo much thank you for the welcome

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You will be a very lucky woman if the two of them get along, they may tolerate each other and that will be enough to hope for. Since Jake was your first grey keep him first in everything, first spoken to, first fed, first out of the cage and so on so he knows he is top bird, that matters to a grey and may be why he is a little sulky right now.

I really hope now that Bella has toys to play with and interaction with her new flock she will cease the plucking but time will tell but just ignore the plucking for her sake for if you give any reaction then she may take that as encouragement to continue, they love any kind of drama good or bad.

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The first things that may happen are possibly jealousy, confusion, lots of interest, some growling or other sounds or none at all, talking much less or overtalking, nervousness or lack of.

The birds should be separated in individual cages and the cages shouldn't close to each other. Any habits or things you do with the first bird should be continued just like that. Don't waver. That's feeding, talking , playing handling of the established bird etc. The first bird is the #1 bird and should remain that way. The new bird doesn't know what it's like being a #1 bird in a new home.

As time goes on, the cages can be a bit closer as you see the initial shock of introduction lessens and lessens. You'll see that happen as the two birds don't pay constant attention to each other. Find out if the new bird likes a play stand. If so, use it for each bird but that should be done one bird at a time. Time limits are no good when putting 2 adult birds together especially when one is so much older. Eventually, you'll be experimenting with both out at the same time but you need to be watching in case of aggression. Put both birds out for short periods of time and slowly increase that time if you see that the birds are tolerating each other

Do lots of talking to the new bird but first do it with the #1 bird .

All of this is basic introduction and you'll need to take it slow. Many times it does take a while.

Make sure the #1 bird doesn't feel displaced.

Edited by Dave007
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