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Small Victory with Cooper!


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Last night while sitting with Cooper on my lap while i was watching tv... he nuzzled up next to my hand, and wanted me to scratch his head. I worked with him a little and scratched his beak, then was able to get to his back... I was incredibly pleased! My Timneh Dexter doesnt like too much physical affection, and it inspired me to start working with Dexter, even if I can get him to allow a scratch on the top of the head...


We had both of the boys on the couch, and keeping them a safe distance... I mean no one wants their living room turned into Thunderdome. They were very aware of one another, but just seemed dismissive. I spoke to a breeder, and she said that when Timnehs and Congos are babies they seem to interact, but when they get older, they seem to "know" they are cousins and not from the same side of the tracks....lol! That was a perfect description. My Greys are like night and day, now I know what my mother felt like raising my brother and myself.


Just thought I would share!;)

march2011 004.jpg

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It comes as no surprise that they would not be best buddies even if they were both Cags or both Tags but you will work out a happy medium with them, like Dan said with the words in a song, " you gotta know when to hold em, know when to fold them or know when to walk away."

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