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Welcome Tonto!


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Hey Guys,


THANKS! I love this family thing on this forum.


I got her from a pet shop that took care of her and trained her to the point that she does not scream and climbs on my arm. This makes things SO much easier for the future.

Also, she is just 8 months old and ummm... Just a bit too dark colored and dirty but she will get a shower in a few days once she is used to the new home.


ONE THING: The guy told me if you have peanuts in the diet, her color would get brighter. TRUE?

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It sounds like you have a fine Grey there.


It sounds like the Store guy was a very good salesmen ;-) I have never heard of Feather Color being affected by diet.


A good wash may lighten them up a little though, since you mention she is dirty :-)

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Welcome Tonto! Never heard anything about peanuts affecting feather color. A good balanced diet supplemented with some palm oil is linked to feather and of course overall health in general. Peanuts are fine in moderation, do be sensitive to the potential for mold ir feeding peanuts in the shell and dangerous aflatoxin that can be present. Just use common sense and be sure you dont feed any rotten peanuts in the shell!... ;)

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Yeah, will keep the peanuts to minimum. So she is a Congo African Dark Gray... :silly:


question... She is not comming on my hand since I brought her home. She just clings really tight to her perch and sometimes (sometimes) screams when I tried to pick her up. Is it cause of new place? If I left her undisturbed for a few days to observe me, then will she forget that people can pick her?<br><br>Post edited by: Falconeer, at: 2007/09/01 19:59

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So, huh... Tonto is a guy?


Not DNA sexed I think. The guy just said it was a she.:dry:


He is not comming on my hand since I brought him/her home. She just clings really tight to her perch and sometimes (sometimes) screams when I tried to pick him/her up. Is it cause of new place? If I left him/her undisturbed for a few days to observe me, then will she forget that people can pick her?B)

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Don't try to pick her up, put your hand in front of her and move it close to her body and ask her to step up on your hand. She is probably a little stressed being in a new place, new home. Entice her to come out of her cage by offering her a treat, she is a little scared right now and prefers the safety of her cage.


You won't know for sure whether you have a male or female unless you have a DNA test done, thats the only true test of sex.

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Okay, he is NOT in a cage, just on a stand. With toys. But he just sits in one place. I tried to go close today, but he just screamed a little and then quiet. When I tried to lift him, he just cling real tight to the perch and hangs back like tring to move away, that's where I back off. So I will just leave him alone for a few days till he takes food from my hand.

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Push you hand into him somewhat to force him to have to step up before he goes off balance and give him a command like step up when you do it. You have had him home now for a couple of days and he should be ready to step up on your hand. If he tries to bite just ignore it, you have to establish yourself as the dominant one and he needs to learn he has to step up when you ask him to.


This is the only way to pick up a grey, you never take both your hands and literally pick him up that way. Talk to him in a pleasing voice and when he does step up for you praise him lavishly, they love praise.


Try this and see how it goes, and get back with us, we want to know.

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You are the bestest person here. Those were the best instructions. My confusion was if I should push a little or not. And you also talked about him trying to bite, he does that. But it does not hurt that much. It's more like he just puts pressure on my fingers. The person told me to use knuckles near his mouth, not the finger tips with nails.


Lemme go try this.



THANK YOU sooo much... +KARMA!

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Boy, Oh Boy!! That Judygram is all on top of things. You lisen to her Falconeer, and what ever she say, I agree. So take charge, and you will soon be happy you did.


Lots of Luck, and keep us up to date. Everone loves photos.




Hi hoe silver, to Tonto<br><br>Post edited by: nevjoe, at: 2007/09/04 22:39

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