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hot air blower after shower?


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Our fids should not get into any kind of draft (don't want any sudden chills). I let my fids air dry; that way they can preen and primp at leisure. I spray them/bathe them in the AM/early PM so they have all day to dry off.

Edited by luvparrots
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This is an excerpt from the BATHING sticky located on the HEALTH ROOM main page

Sixth, never towel dry or hair dry him after a bath or spray. The longer he stays wet, the more he benefits from the bath/spray.


dave, 'grey' shivers after a bath. Should i just leave it?

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Yeh, put her on a perch, let her shiver and she'll soon start ptreening herself for quite a while. At the most, bathe her once a week if you feel that all of her underneath feathers have been soaked. There's methods in the bathing posts on how to bathe a bird in order to make sure the proper method is used.

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