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Sad Story,Caution upsetting.


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This is a copy of a story that was posted on a UK forum. I do not want to alarm anyone but thought that you should be aware of the potential risks that are out there for our greys.When i first read this story i had two open top cages & immediately secured mine with cable ties.I check every few days to make sure my birds haven't chewed them.

This may be a very rare incident but none the less it could happen & therefore i feel you should know the danger exists.


Quote...Dawn Doobie's mom @ AnAfricanGrey.ca wrote:


Well, everyone, I really haven't been posting lately and there's a reason. Sebastian died 2 weeks ago. On August 22. That's the same day my brother was killed 14 years ago, by a drunk driver. Here's what happened, and I can only hope that his death could possibly save a life of another bird.


Everything had been going great, Doobie and Sebastian were bonding like they should and rarely if ever, were separated. They loved each other. If they were apart, they would call to each other non-stop till they could preen each other. Therefore, when I went to work for my 3 hours, I'd put Sebastian in Doobie's cage. Then, when I got home, I'd let everyone out and we'd all play. Well, on that horrible Tues. when I came into my apt., I only got halfway between their cages and my door before I collapsed to my knees and cried.


Doobie's cage top, opens up so you can put a perch in between the bars. I also has a locking mechanism. I never open the top and check the lock at least 20 times a day to make sure it's still locked. I know I checked it that morning when I left. I guess what I didn't consider is the fact that Sebastain is/was an acrobat. Apparently, he must have become obsessed with the latch and got it to open somehow, then my baby, got his head wedged in between the 2 flaps that open. I came into my house to see Sebastian's head outside the cage and his body hanging, Doobie running back and forth on the bottom of the cage like a mad man.


I've since wired the top shut and I'm trying to come up with some cash for a new cage, I really don't want it in my house anymore, it's the very first thing I see when I come in my door and I can't get the image of my baby out of my head.


I will become more active here soon, I just need to get my life fully functioning first. I really feel like I've lost a child, and the fact that it happened on the anniversary of my brother's death, is just toooooooo much right now.

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OMG! What a horrible tragedy! I have the very same cage, but I have a weight that I put on the top so it can't be lifted from the inside or the outside unless a human does it. (It's because I have a very strong cat that lives on birds for breakfast) The cage top always looked like it would open too easily to please me.


Thank you for sharing this story in hopes that it saves even one birds life if not many. My thoughst & prayers go out to this poor owner.:(

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Interesting story and I remember reading one almost identical to it around 4 months ago on either anfricangrey or theafricangrey Forums, of which I belong to both.


I am not certain if this story is true and was suspicious of the first one I read, but it's possible.


My cage opens up like that also, but it is so big that those henged scallops on Top weigh too much for a Grey to open and the latching mechanism is one that could not possibly be opened from the inside as it is a pull out and turn type of lock.


If true, that would be a shocking sight!

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danmcq wrote:

Interesting story and I remember reading one almost identical to it around 4 months ago on either anfricangrey or theafricangrey Forums, of which I belong to both.


I am not certain if this story is true and was suspicious of the first one I read, but it's possible.



If true, that would be a shocking sight!


Dan it may well be the same story, i read it a few months back, if it's a hoax then that's a pretty sick hoax, but if true its serves as a warning.I know i took it as the truth & acted on the information.My open top cages are staying locked shut.

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Falconeer it was posted as a warning, please do not worry,as Dan said he had seen the story & doubted the authenticity of it,I only posted as a precaution not to worry people.If people have open top cages & have any doubts that their birds would be able to force the lock open, then personally i would tie it securely.That what i have done with mine.

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LMG - Your are absolutely correct in advising all to lock them if the have any doubts. In fact, just for peace of mind, I am locking mine also. :-)


In fact, we are starting to lock our front Cage door also, as a precaution so neither Dayo nor the dogs could somehow get it open.


Better safe, than sorry.

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This was posted at another grey forum about a year ago, so this perhaps isn't an uncommon tragedy. I know someone whose macaw hung itself by wedging his head through the door of his cage, so make sure your doors are secure too.


Hello, I just wanted to warn others just in case this might happen to them. My African Grey, Eagle, Died yesterday. His neck was broken and he laid motionless on the bottom of the cage. I knew something was wrong when I couldn't see him standing on his perch. From what I can tell this is what happened: I cleaned his cage and the top of the bird cage has a latch. I unhooked the latch so I could put one of his favorite plastic hanging toys from the top of the cage. It wouldn't fit between the bars of the cage since the width was smaller than the toy. So I put the toy up, shut the top without latching the top not thinking anything of it because how could a bird push the top of the cage open? Anyways, from what I can tell he must have pushed his head through the opening partially then became trapped with his neck between the cage top and the other part of the cage. His neck was all twisted and he didn't move. His claws were clenching the bottom of the cage motionless and his eyes were closed. I called his name "Eagle" and he opened his eyes for me one last time to say goodbye then he closed them again and never opened them. I was sobbing along with my wife. I took him next to a tree and buried him, so there was no more pain if any in his body and sobbed like a little baby. It was so traumatic to me and my wife. I still walk by his grave and call his name and whistle to him to let him know I am there. I don't think he caught his neck between the hanging toys because he has always played with them with no problems. I don't know if anyone else has experienced this but I just thought I would warn others to not leave the latch undone at the top of the cage.

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spookyhurst Thank you for posting that story.After reading this i am more convinced that open top cages should be securely locked.


As i said previously if you think your grey can access the lock & attempt to undo it then to air on the side of safety i would advise you to secure it.

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Guest briansmum

oh goodness what tragic stories, they made me cry. brians old cage opened on the top and the latches had become loose, so that is exactly one of the reasons i bought a new cage and i am soooo glad i did now

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