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Wiffle ball thingy


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i got this idea on another site where thelady was sticking food and treats into the ball but i went for more of this aproach. i have made 4 of these now and angel loves them. its fairly easy and very cheap to make em. enjoy.






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Those are greyt looking toys and I see you have incorporated one of the favorite little foot toys, the bottle cap, my grey loves those things, how clever of you to make that, it might even inspire me to try my hand at making one, thanks for sharing the pics with us.

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it really is a simple toy once you get going, i have found out that the tighter you can get the rope the longer it will last, you also should try putting as much crap as possible on it or they will just destroy the ball and then it all falls apart. and if you get the right kind of bottle caps a birdie bagel will fit snugly inside one cap and then a slightly larger cap will fit over the other cap with the bagel inside to hide the bagel. angel loves to work at getting the bagel out.

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