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Where to put it?

Shelly Yokum

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As many of you know, I have 2 Macaws already, and my little CAG, will be home sometime in May. Should I put him in the same room as the Macaws? Should he be in a different room?

He will becoming straight from the breeder, so she/he will be use to other birds, but as you know Prince thinks he owns me, and doesn't like to share me. Any suggestions?

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i would suggest keeping them in seprate parts of the house for a bit. a couple of reasons. A. you want to make sure that all of the birds arein good health. B. the Birds that you already own may become a bit jealous. i would hate to see the McCaw that you already have go into some kind of wierd behavior due to a knew baby in the home. Also make sure that when you do your feedings, cage cleanings and general care for the birds that the McCaw comes first. that way he/she will realize that all is normal. It will be extremely tempting to care for the baby first but this may not be a good move psychologicaly on the other birds.


I am not experienced in owning more than one bird, so i am sure that someone who does own more than one will chime in. I have however, done a lot of research on the topic. Wife and i are going to own a CAG and a McCaw with our TAG when we purchase a house.

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From the very beginning, I have kept all 3 of my parrot cages in the same room. Their instinct is to be in a flock, and they seem to be comforted by being together. If I put only 2 in their cages, the other one seems lonely.


Keeping them in different parts of the house, you will hear them call for the others and trying to figure out who and what is in the house they can't see or get to. To me, that seems very frustrating. I also feel that the sooner they meet each other, if only from their cages, the better they will be about getting along, after all, they have had some time to safely get acquainted on safe terms.


Just my opinion. You will gets lots of them here. :).

Edited by Talon
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I do not have macaws but I do have 4 very spoiled birds a CAG named Corky a BFA named Cricket and two cockatiels named Willie and Little One and they are all within 10 feet of each other and more like around the corner from each other and they talk to each other all day long and they have a common time out of the cage at the same time.

They enjoy each other but are content to be by their own cage.

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