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So, that I don't keep hijacking Imayes69's thread...:)


I thought I would start a CAG vs. TAG thread. Please post any stories you care to share. You don't have to own both to contribute!!


I'll go first....TODAY:


Rikki (cag) rose to a new level of entertainment. She went onto the counter, reached into the sink and proceeded to work her little tail off trying to lift the glass cereal bowl up with her beak and out of the sink onto the floor!! GUESS WHAT??????


SHE SUCCEEDED.........:(:D

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I don't have my CAG, Isabella, yet but I have a feisty TAG in Ana Grey. At bedtime, I always put fresh nighttime snacks into their front door bowls. Mostly to lure them back into their cages for sleeping. I always start with my ekkie because he is usually the only one always in his cage (even though his cage door is open). I then get Louie's bowl and take it into the kitchen for cleaning. When I come back, Ana Grey is in Sully's snack bowl stealing his pecans. Out she is forced to go, little monster!! I load up Louie the zon's bowl with snacks and tell him "nite nite and head for Ana Grey's snack bowl to clean in the kitchen. I come back and.... you guessed it... Ana Grey is in Louie's snack bowl stealing his pecans!! This time of course she comes out on her own (clutching a pecan, of course). No wonder Ana Grey is the hardest to get into her cage at sleep time, she has already fulled up on everyone else's treats, little thief!!!! What I don't understand is why these big guys (they are both twice her size) let her steal their favorite snacks!!!!

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I don`t have a TAG but I do have a fearless CAG named Corky and one of the things that Corky likes to do is land on a strangers shoulder and scare the living hell out of them and than laugh at them when they try to hide. She is fearless and will go to anybody. That is not what a normal grey should do.

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I have 2 CAGs (Dixie & Beau) and a TAG (Yoshi). There are definitely differences in their personalities, and to be quite honest I was very surprised in the differences. Dixie is the queen bee around our house, but she was the first and we've let her remain "first" in all things. Beau is very laid back and could care less about what's going on with everyone else. His favorite activity is to hang out with Morgan (Panama Amazon) on his cage and eat out of his bowl (all things that Beau likes) and vice versa. They both have empty bowls after a day of sharing. I'm surprised they get along as well as they do, both happy to explore and play in each others cage. Dixie is very territorial about her cage and no one is allowed near it. Yoshi is just the opposite of Beau. She's into everything, curious about everything and has to be involved in everything. It's so much fun to have a new resident who is so enthusiastic about being part of the family.


While the boys tend to be very quite and laid back, the girls are both very vocal and attention seeking. Dixie and Yoshi have dialog with each other all day - usually starting with Peek-a-boo and it continues from there. I've decided I no longer have an office, nor is it a bird room, it is officially - THE JUNGLE. As named by the cable guy who came by last week to install a new router. Go figure. Now to head to the wood shop and make a sign to put above the door.



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And after the splatter they look over the edge as if to say did I do that


Well, my very kind Dayo now proclaims "Oops, clean the poop up! It's dirty". So we know every time he poops and he seems to lavish the thought of us having to do so....... :P

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So, that I don't keep hijacking Imayes69's thread...:)


I thought I would start a CAG vs. TAG thread. Please post any stories you care to share. You don't have to own both to contribute!!


I'll go first....TODAY:


Rikki (cag) rose to a new level of entertainment. She went onto the counter, reached into the sink and proceeded to work her little tail off trying to lift the glass cereal bowl up with her beak and out of the sink onto the floor!! GUESS WHAT??????


SHE SUCCEEDED.........:(:D

Lol... This is what i needed PURE ENTERTAINMENT .. makes me even more excited wooooooo ( in my einstien from the zoo's voice lol )

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Hey I have a CAG vs TAG related question:


The breeder I got Shelby from charges 1200 for a CAG but only 850 for a TAG. I would think a TAG would be more expensive because they're less common?


yea tags are less expensive. The breeder told me the because Cags are in more demand its easier to make a profit from them than tags.. also to my understanding. tags do no lay as often as cags... so in this case although more rare they are less profitable ... they are very underated

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