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Here`s Sid

Guest jaquiscorpio

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Guest jaquiscorpio

hi all here is Sid(Sidney) i have had him for 5 years and i am his 3rd owner i am slowly but surely training him as best i can and i am open to any tips and tricks to help me along the way.

When i first got him i couldnt go near the cage without him lunging at the bars due to his 1st owner mistreating him.

Now i can tickle his head (i am a little weary as he has bitten me before) and recently have managed to get him to allow me to hold his beak and wiggle his head which i was chuffed with myself and him for achieving this.

he wont step up or stand on hand pick up etc its just slight contact.

I am trying to start target(touch) with clicker training but he is scared of anything i use as a target for him to touch i got this idea from something i saw on the internet from (dont know if im allowed to mention names or other sites) a bird training program and was thinking of buying his cds initials are (C.W) and wondered if this worked for any other bird owners.

I am 80% certain hes a boy (has a very unusual leg ring) and hes never nested or laid eggs in whole time i have had him. So i believe hes more likely to be a male.


Thanks for taking time to read my post


i am open to questions please ask away :)



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Will he let you touch his foot? If you could pick up a foot and say step up with lifting him a little he will catch on.

I would never use that clicker on my parrots, but that is just me. The person you are talking about has a pretty bad reputation. If you have to towel him, pick him up, take him away from the cage, somewhere he can't see it, and work with him one on one. I would have no distractions, such as tv, radio, other pets or children around. Just one on one with you and Sid. When he does what you want give a treat tell him he is a good boy. Remember baby steps and be patient. Be consistent in your training. Once you start, DON"T stop. I would do this for just a few minutes first day, a few more minutes the next day, until he catches on. Greys are very intelligent it shouldn't take long.

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Guest jaquiscorpio

hiya thanks 4 reply,


the only time i am able to touch his feet is when hes in cage and holding on to the side.


Even when i manage to touch his head im in edge but try not to let it show.


I also forgot to mention that he makes a funny head movement and regurgitates his food for me.


I have in the past towelled him sat cuddling him in towel and slowly take towel off and him sit on my lap and occasionally hold him but round his body, he doesnt seem to like his tail/legs or chest been touched thats when he goes to bite


jaqui n sid x

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Sid is just not a touchy feelly type of grey, some are like that and don't want any contact except for head scratching and this is partly because of mistreatment he has received in the past, its his way of dealing with it so you will have to accept it.

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