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As much as we need to learn how to train our fids to learn to coexist with us, how do you train other household members to coexist with our greys? Brennen's father (Brad), the owner of the house, is Ruby's favorite person. As you know how our fids get with their favorite people, our problem is not that he attacks everyone else, it's that he learns bad behaviors like screaming (whistling really loud and making obnoxious noises) and plucking when his favorite person is around. This problem persist for 3 more days when Brad goes back on the road (he's a trucker). We try to tell Brad how to handle Ruby and to back away from Ruby when he starts doing he bad behavior but Brad seems to ignore a lot of what we tell me. I can't deny Brad from being around Ruby and enjoy his company but how do I approach this serious issue? One solution that I can't afford at the moment is moving out and getting my own place. I'm the provider for Brennen, Ruby and I because Brennen is going to school and since we live in his father's house, I don't have to pay rent, just maintain the house and pay for food and gas.

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Well, my only suggestion is you approach him in a way you know he will listen and just explain why you are saying what you are about to explain. Let him know how keyed in and intelligent they are in learning behaviors, be they good or bad. I understand yours is a delicate situation, but surely he will listen to reason? On the flip side, if your grey ahs learned that your FIL is the rough house fun guy, your FIL may not be very successful at changing that. I am my greys rough house person and we both enjoy it except when I take a "Hit". They are smart and do interact with people on different based on the relationship. At any rate, just figure out how you are going to approach your FIL during the time he is on the road and hopefully it will work out.

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  • 7 months later...

Okay now my situation with Ruby and Brad is becoming worse. I believe Ruby's favoritism is more of an obsession and his theme song is that one I believe called "Obsession" from the 80's. Brad is now working for a local company and is home everyday, thankfully he gets home after we put Ruby to bed but Brad has a regular work schedule and has weekends off. Well Ruby is screaming whenever Brad he is in sight. I exercise him and give him showers twice a day but even than he still has the energy to give Brad his "come hider" call, which is ear piecing whistles. Well Brennen and I finally realize that Ruby and Brad can no longer interact because Brad still does not understand our concerns about his effects on Ruby and how he will need him to recognize when Ruby is trying to feed. Oh man, I'm losing patiences.

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Unfortunately, if Brad is his "Favored" person, there is nothing you can do to stop the contact calls when Ruby wants to be with him. This is natural for all parrots to "Contact Call". You cannot stop Brad and Ruby from interacting unless you leave Ruby for example in your bedroom and never let her see or hear Brad. Of course this would be cruel to Ruby because they need to be where the "Flock" is during the waking hours when home. This is a tough one and you are all going to need to just sit down and talk this out together as a family to come up with the best workable solution for all, which of course includes Ruby's well being as well when discussing the various possible solutions or meeting half way. :)

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********our problem is not that he attacks everyone else, it's that he learns bad behaviors like screaming (whistling really loud and making obnoxious noises) and plucking when his favorite person is around.********


First off, these aren't learned behaviors. Many birds do the exact same thing and no one has to teach the birds to perform like that. What;s obnoxious to a person is simply that the person finding it irritating. Almost all grey whistle loudly and have variety of loud whistles and some have low whistles or both. There's no other bird in the parrot world that whistles better than a grey. They're very known for that.

Another thing is the favorite person thing. Hundreds of people run into this problem which makes them unhappy so there's many suggestions about stopping this behavior but the main thing concerning those suggestions is that all parties in the family be involved. Without that, nothing changes. There's been cases of people who do all the cleaning, feeding, and they still get bitten or shunned by the bird. So, we usually tell the person who is the favorite to take over the job and many times that calms down a bird. Habits and steady routines are extremely bad for greys in a family setting. Greys pick up on that very quickly and pick out what makes them happy.


In your situation, the answer is very simple. All of what's going on is your father in law"s fault. You're the one who's suffering and he's not cooperating to ease the problem. If he won't cooperate, then things will remain the same. Why should they change** your bird's has found it's playmate.

About the only thing you're doing wrong is classifing what your bird's doing is learned behavior. It isn't


And concerning routines, that also applies to any other animals in a house. If it's a family situation, everyone has to pitch in.

Edited by Dave007
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Sorry about miss using the term. I hearing a lot being used in the same context a lot. I spoke with Brad yesterday and I feel that it helped me to vent first and ask for some more advice first here. I think we are coming to an understanding.


Well good, that's a beginning.

Also, you can always ask your father in law to come here for specific info concernng things. Maybe that'll help too.

Edited by Dave007
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