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Looks like the harness is a no no this year!


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Well the weather has brightened up & I thought I'd take Murphy outside with me while I do a little work. I got out the harness to put it on him & he went absolutely nuts as soon as I tried to out it over his head, went flying off in a panic crashing & screaming round the house, I tried to calm him down & got a nasty bite when I tried to pick him up. :(


For Murphy it looked like the worst experience of his life, I think he thought I was trying to strangle him the silly sod. He's now sat in the corner of the cage looking all upset.


Last year when I brought him home he was harness trained & I managed to get it on him, not always easy & we did have a few occasions when he was a little p***ed off but it always worked out ok.


In Summer I like to bring him out with me but judging by that performance I won't be doing that again anytime soon, don't think it's worth the stress for him or me.

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Paul you know where you made your mistake don't you, should have kept putting it on Murphy regularly even though you weren't taking him outside, he is frightened of it now and it will be like starting over from scratch, sorry he reacted that way but thats a grey for ya. Guess you are religated to just bringing him outside in a small cage or carrier.

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Paul you know where you made your mistake don't you, should have kept putting it on Murphy regularly even though you weren't taking him outside, he is frightened of it now and it will be like starting over from scratch, sorry he reacted that way but thats a grey for ya. Guess you are religated to just bringing him outside in a small cage or carrier.


I think you may be right about putting it on regular, it did cross my mind but I thought all would be ok. :rolleyes:


I wondered how he might react to it this year & now I know. Not sure what I'll do from here, don't really want to put him through that again, these harness seem more trouble than there worth at times. Although once you have them used to them it's so nice to be able to take them outside with you. I may just look for a small cage, not sure yet, I'll have to see.

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Issac will not let that Harness get passed his head. So he is kind of a house bound bird...at least for now. I feel your pain. At any rate, he seems to enjoy his frollic around the house. Issac decided on the fourth try that he would no longer be accepting this thing going over his head.

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