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Perfect weather


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I've taken Took outside onto the deck twice now in her outdoor cage. She was TERRIFIED. She clung to this side of her cage near where I was sitting and talking to her. She did calm down once for about 30 secs and then freaked out again even trying to fly in her outdoor cage (which is not big enough for flying!).


Anybody else have that problem?

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No, but we have taken out our parrots since day one. They will get upset at the occasional unexpected event such as the next door neighbor running a loud weed whacker, lawn mower or carrying something by that appears over the fence. If it is an activity that we know will last a while, we take them inside.


Is this Took's first time outdoors? If so, it is understandable why he would be terrified at all the new sights and sounds. Only desensitization through many short outings will resolve this fear of the unknown.

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It's been a pretty poor Spring, here. So, it's really glorious to finally have nice enough weather to get the fids out!!!!


If it helps Munch, I try to introduced my fids to the world a little at a time. My deck goes around an addition. I set a cage into the corner where they can only see out about 90 degrees. Then I put a towel over the cage & limit what they see overhead. So, they have a safe hidey place, to start. Usually, I just sit & read next to the cage for the first couple of outings.


Eventually I move the cover back, then start actively doing things on the deck. Eventually, start moving the cage more into the open. And eventually, they get more interested than afraid of everything.


I take some of them for trips with me sometimes, too. Just little visits to friends houses. It seems to help give them more confidence in new situations.

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Washington State is a little drab so far. There was one nice day and so I took Ana Grey for a harness walk as usually she tried to fly away. She so wants to fly high and free. After the usual try she settled down and rode nicely on my shoulder for the rest of the outing. As for Louie, perhaps when the weather is nice I will push his cage outside as he will not come willingly! I envy those that live in the sunny weather areas, your fids are so lucky!

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