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A Question About Kale And Other Greens

Thomas J.

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Well I finally found a veggie that my grey can really get into, and that's Kale. My question though is would it be possible to give her too much of this green leafy veggie, and what about some of the other greens such as spinach, mustard greens and so forth. I've been giving them to her every day and haven't noticed any ill effects yet. I plan on trying something different next week so as to give a good assortment of greens if possible. I stuff them in her foraging cage ( best bird investment so far) and she really goes after the stuff. I hope the others work as good as the kale. If there's any possibility to give too much of any leafy green, I would appreciate a heads up.:cool:


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As for me I give them to her raw. I'm not sure if it would be better cooked or not, I'm sure someone else will chime in and let us know. If that were the case I don't believe I could get my girl to eat them. She prefers to pull them out of her foraging cage and go at it with them like that. As with all parrots I'm sure, they just love to tear things up, and in the course of doing so tasting whatever it is first to see if it's something that's tasty or not. I guess I lucked out on the kale and hope for the same with the mustard and collard greens that I'll be trying soon. Good luck with yours. ;)

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my birds are picky when it comes to their veggies, so i'm going to try "sneaking" it into some birdie bread. it's worked so far with carrots, sweet potatoes, and beans. of course i sweetened it up with applesauce and apple bits, lol!! i offer the veggies we eat, whether raw or cooked, but for the most part it's been a no go :(

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The leafy greens are best washed in a vinegar/water solution, rinsed and given raw to achieve the maximum benefits of all the vitamins and minerals they contain.


They may just pick them up and toss them at times, other times they will eat some. Each grey is different, keep offering them whether they eat them or not. I toss more veggies than eaten, but some days they eat a certain item and others they toss them.

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