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Does anyone read for fun out there?


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The other thing I like to do (besides look after Klaus) is read for pleasure.

My two favorite authors are Stephen King and John Grisham. Though I read so much that I'm known to go all over the place as far as genre.

I'm currently reading a book called "Don't Make a Scene" by Valerie Block.

I thought it would be fun to compare notes on books & authors.

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I love to read for pleasure. My favorite author is James Patterson. I enjoy murder mysteries. I also enjoy, Kay Hooper, Mariah Stewart, Sandra Brown, J.A. Jance, Alex Kava, Harlon Coben and Lisa Jackson.

I read all of Stephen Kings earlier books up until the ones he wrote after 2000.

I never enjoyed John Grisham's books though.


This is a great idea for a topic! :cheer:

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Thanks for throwing some authors out there for me. I go to the library about once a week, and I like to have an idea of what I'm looking for. Though not having an idea of what I'm looking for can lead to some interesting reading.

One book that stands out as something really different (if you're looking for something different) is called "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time." (Hope I've got that exactly right.) It's written from the perspective of an autistic boy. I couldn't put it down!

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Laurie, I am a big fan of Stephen King's novels, I think I have read pretty much all of them, I like Dean Koontz, John Saul, Clive Barker, Robin Cook and Patricia Cornwell as well. I don't read much anymore, no time too since I am on here all the time, but I used to read every evening before going to bed. Now I know some would say "how can you read such stuff before going to bed", well it was easy, it never bothered me, I knew it was fiction.

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I have read every book Stephen King has wrote including those he wrote under the name Richard Bachman.

Now if I could just get a hold of his new comic books that come out this year.

I also like "The Lord of the Rings" and many other books too.

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Guest Monique

I LOVE to read!!! Usually I read horror or suspense but I will read just about anything. I recently finished reading Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers and before that I read the Redemption Series by ?Karen? Kingsbury and Gary Smalley. WOW!!! That Redemption Series had me bawling my eyes out!!! Those are the first Christian Inspirational books I've read as an adult. All of them I would HIGHLY recommend. On my shelf to read right now is one of the new Stephen King's book, The Memory Keeper's Daughter, Wicked, Blink and a few others that I do not remember the name of. Whoever owns Barnes and Noble has probably bought a knock-off Rembrandt through the benefit of my purchases :lol: . I have a few trips for work coming up and am looking forward to reading on the plane and in my hotel room. Otherwise I kind of always read with half a brain because our household is so active.

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I mostly just read the daily newspaper and an occasional magazine, reading at night puts me to sleep now but it didn't used to, I guess getting older has something to do with that.


Josh you are not a loser, you do read even if it is only magazines, but reading medical journals/books is a very smart thing to read. Don't put yourself down, I won't allow it.

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Judygram, I don't know if it was me you mentioned about the changing quotes. If it was, I just have a little quirk with quotes, I love them for some reason. One of the things I love about books is that a lot of authors will put a quote or two in the book before it begins and it kind of sets the mood.

Glad to see Stephen King mentioned a lot. I swear, I would read the man's grocery list! People have asked me how I can read that horrible horror, but it's not really the horror, it's how he writes. Can't get enough!

Thanks for all the feedback, guys.

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No Laurie, it was not you I was talking about, but I see you like to change your signature a lot also. So does Josh aka RdnkParamedic21, and he does not use quotes but original material he thinks up and some of them are the funniest ones I have ever read. He has a keen sense of humor and I always look forward to seeing what new one he comes up with.


But I like yours too Laurie and some of the other members use quotes for their signatures. You are right, a lot of authors will use a quote to set the mood of the book. And yes I would probably read anything that Stephen King wrote even a grocery list, that man is a wonderful writer. Once you start one of his books, you can't put it down until you have finished it. Makes you wonder sometimes how one person has so much imagination, wow.

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I love the books from the Vampire Chronicles by Ann Rice. She is a little too detailed sometimes so that kind of keeps you from using your imagination to picture things but at least you know exactly what she was thinking of when she wrote it. That’s what ruined the movie Queen of the Damned for me because Stewart Townsley looks nothing like Lestate is described...Tom Cruse nailed the look in Interview with the Vampire. My favorite book of all time is Flowers for Algernon. I read that book every time we get a hurricane here in Florida and the power is knock out for two weeks. If any of you never read it before I highly recommend that you do.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2007/09/13 19:41

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Yes, don't you hate it when the movie is nothing like the book?

My all time favorite book/movie combo though is The Shining by Stephen King. I read the book after seeing the movie and got to experience it picturing the positively INSANE Jack Nicholson all the while...

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Well, Flowers for Algernon is science fiction book about a retarded guy named Charlie Gordon that gets an experimental surgery to increase his intelligence level and is written as if it was his journal. His progress parallels that of Algernon, a laboratory mouse that had the surgery as well. I don't want to say much because I don't want to ruin anything if you decide to read it. There is a movie made from the book called Charly that won and Oscar for the lead role. The movie was just as good as the book for me, but because of the writing it seems like a more powerful story when you read it. I actually gave my copy to my sister and told her she HAD to read it. She hasn’t given it back to me yet so I think I might just go and get another copy ‘cause there are some storms a brewin’ in the Atlantic and I don’t want to make a mad rush to the store for water and a book the day before it hit.


I really like The Shining too. I don't think I have seen the movie yet...I have seen the clips of the axe going the the door though. REDRUM...REDRUM!!!!


I need to read the lord of the rings books. I've only read The Hobbit so far and that was a few years ago. The movies were great; my fav was the last one. The only thing I didn't like was at the end it kept fading to black and I would start to get up and then the picture would come back and there was another seen...it did that like 4 times!

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