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Air Purifier... Sleep cages.


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I just ordered an air purifier online, and I was curious if anyone else has used them in their houses, and how well they work. Since we got Cooper, I noticed there is definitely more dust in the air, and I know how greys produce alot of dander.


Also, I have thought about using the boys travel cages as sleep cages in our spare room. Just curious if anyone else uses sleep cages, and how this works for you...

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I use my travel cages for when I visit my daughter and take my parrots. They work great because they are roomy. So I believe this type of travel cage would be acceptable for a sleep cage as well.




do you have your birds sleep in their day cages? what are the major benefits for sleep cages?

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I have a birdroom for my birds so they are out all day. I am retired. They have always slept in their everyday cages which are in the birdroom and they can come and go as they please all day. Their everyday cages are closed at night time so everyone can feel safe and cozy in their own home. The travel cages, each has their own, are for vet trips, emergency evacuations, for outside time and visiting with the family.

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I know some grey owners do use sleep cages, one such owner does because her grey has night frights and by being in the same room she hears it and gets up to calm her down afterward, also it may help the bird by being in a smaller cage with less room to flap around in. Some owners with the cages in the active part of the house may be up past the bird's bedtime and use sleep cages to put the birds in a quieter part of the house so they get their sleep. It really is a personal choice if you want to use them or not.

Lots of members here use air purifiers, I do not but if the dust and dander bother you then by all means use it.

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I actually just bought two air purifiers from BlueAir. They really have helped me out with my alergies and athsma they cut the dust down in the house significantly. I did a good amount of research before I got mine and I found that BleuAiroutletstore sells refurbished purifiers that hold the same warrenty as their news ones. When I got mine I swore they were new not a mark on them and spotlessly clean. I own two BlueAir 450E's that filter dust, dander as well as odor and fumes. The house smlls even cleaner than before. It even has a sensor mode that will lower or increase the fan speed depending on the amount of dust or odor in the room. Each of these two will cycle the are in a 365 SQft room. The filters are good for about 6 months with a monthly vaccum but they cost about $150.00 each to replace. To me it is worth it.

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