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His does have a balcony that opens up at the top, and this is his preferred means of escaping some days ;)

Josey's cage is a dome top on one side and opens up but I never open it up but she did escape one day from the breeder door which is usually included in most cages, when I came home from work she was out of her cage and no door was open then I looked and saw the breeder door slightly ajar, she was a good girl though and stayed on her cage, she hasn't done it since but if she does I will have to come up with a way to keep it shut

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I have never met a TAG but I think they are just as beautiful as a CAG. I love them because they are more dark in colour.


@Judygram Rorschach is an escape artist, he had picked the latches on the food dish doors to break them off. One we had to actually jimmy shut because he had loosened it that all he had to do was stand on the dish and it would open. The other one he can't get off unless he is out of the cage, he will climb down the side of the cage and pick it off in hopes that we don't notice so he can escape if we put him back in the cage. As soon as the budget allows it we are going to be shopping for a new cage.

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I have never met a TAG but I think they are just as beautiful as a CAG. I love them because they are more dark in colour.


@Judygram Rorschach is an escape artist, he had picked the latches on the food dish doors to break them off. One we had to actually jimmy shut because he had loosened it that all he had to do was stand on the dish and it would open. The other one he can't get off unless he is out of the cage, he will climb down the side of the cage and pick it off in hopes that we don't notice so he can escape if we put him back in the cage. As soon as the budget allows it we are going to be shopping for a new cage.


i used to have parakeets that were awesome escape artist. would scare the poop out of me taking laps around the living room while im sleeping...


S/N you screen name is hilarious

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i used to have parakeets that were awesome escape artist. would scare the poop out of me taking laps around the living room while im sleeping...


S/N you screen name is hilarious


hahaha yeah I picked it up about 10 years ago it started when being sarcastic to a friend who needed a ride. I don't drive so I told her I would come pick her up on my butt LOL it is a nic I have to explain because there are a lot of people who read it the wrong way, if you know what I mean.

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hahaha yeah I picked it up about 10 years ago it started when being sarcastic to a friend who needed a ride. I don't drive so I told her I would come pick her up on my butt LOL it is a nic I have to explain because there are a lot of people who read it the wrong way, if you know what I mean.


lol i do... well its cood that it has a clean meaning as opposed to an x^3 meaning lol...

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