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Almonds --- possible way to eat them


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Almonds are a very good item for suppling certain essential vitamins which are good for greys.

I see that many people try them out and don't have success with the bird cracking them or just flipping them because they never get a chance to see what's inside.Many people stop giving them. Many greys may have trouble gripping an unshelled closed almond.


This is a method I've used for greys to see the interior of the nut and see if they're appealing.

I remove the pointed end of the almond so that the bird can see inside. They then hold it and proceed to eat the interior of the nut. The greys that are attracted to almonds will eat the entire nut without cracking the shell. I've seen it work for loads of greys and this method can even be used on other types of nuts too. These are pics of the almonds after being eaten.








Edited by Dave007
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I give my grey and others raw unshelled almonds, Ana Grey will take them and toss them (I give them as treats outside her cage) Louie, the Zon will eat some and so will Sully, the ekkie. But Ana Grey dislikes them a lot!!!!! I still give her, her share. Pecans and unsalted pistachios are her favorites.

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Josey doesn't much care for almonds either but I will give this unshelled version a try and cut the hole like you said Dave and see if she will be more receptive to want to eat them as I know they are good for her, thanks for sharing this technique of yours with us.

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Interesting. I do something similar to what you do but I suppose it;s the lazy version of what you do, I use the nut cracker to start it but let her finish cracking it- Whatever part of the shell gets cracked and falls open is good enough for me! I do the same with all other hard shelled nuts that don't have a way in.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Another idea - soak the almonds over night. My birds love a big juicy soft almond but will turn up their beaks at a dry one. If they even they even see almonds soaking on the counter they go nuts. Plus that soaked almond is starting the sprouting process, so it's loaded with extra nutrition even after just a few hours :)

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  • 1 month later...

is there a consensus on what is the best nut for greys? I used to give almonds, but have now switched to walnuts. I do a similar technique with the walnuts, usually I cut the walnuts in half, but sometimes when I do that, the walnut cracks and wont slice in half, but sasha has just as much fun with those digging it out.

I also used to give cashews.. Sasha loves any kind of nut. I will give a couple peanuts once in a blue moon but not too often.

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Simon loves raw almonds in the shell. They're his specialest treat. Kazoo, on the other hand, doesn't seem interested. I'm going to try opening the end for her, and see if that makes them more appealing. Thanks Dave.

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All are good with almonds topping the list. Giving them unshelled is the best way to go and if the walnut won't crack properly, just put in a bowl and as you say, she'll find a way.

Cashews aren't nuts. They're less nutritious then *nuts* so go easy with them.

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Zoom, for Kazoo you can buy the same almonds in the shell that are human grade. That may make a difference. If your other bird( Simon) likes unshelled almonds in general, he'll love human grade too. If you have any other birds, they'll love them too. My quakers like all types of nuts. With them, I have to shell the almonds because the almond shells are too big for them to hold on to and they don't have the power to crack such a strong shell.

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