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unsure of what this behavior means


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ok, we've had kallie now about 4 weeks. she's been vocal and outgoing the whole time. the last couple of times we've let her out of her cage, she's done this strange behavior. she's done this while on my husband and for me while on her cage.


she makes these baby, almost human baby, sounding noises. while she's doing that, she's moving her head all around, some for scratches, some to gently mouth our fingers. she even rubs her beak very rapidly on our fingers. sometimes, she even puts one foot out, so i try to use this opportunity to ask her to step up. (she never learned that in her previous home)


is she being a "baby" when she's doing this, or is this an out pouring of love and affection? i tell her "easy" and "gentle" and "good girl" whenever she's mouthing our fingers, hoping she'll understand that this is an acceptable pressure to use. i'm not scared by this behavior, just unsure of what she's trying to tell us. i what to "reply" or "answer" this correctly. thanks for any ideas or suggestions!

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mojo does the same thing. whimpers almost like a chicklet. i did all kinds of research on it and it is nothing bad from what i gather. sometimes the whimpering or baby sounds are just a sound they picked up somewhere. as far as the cuddly mood i would suggest just speaking softly to her and doing as you are already doing. i am taking advantage of these moods as bonding oppertunities.

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Took does the same thing, she mews and I eat it up! Think its a good sound b/c we heard it a lot with cheek cuddling when we came back from a vacation. I also love when she nibbles on my fingers! I scratch, she nibbles, I scratch, she nibbles. Good luck with your baby!

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thanks! it is really cute when she does this and she sounds so much like a baby. her 1st owner was an elderly lady so i'm not sure where she heard these baby sounds, but it sure is cute and funny! i just hope she stays with the gentle mouthing of our fingers, lol!!!

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she's only 2 1/2 years old. she flutters her feathers and lifts one foot, then the other, reaching out. (she hasn't ever learned to step up and we've had her about a month now). so i let her grab my finger and try to get her to complete the step up but she runs away. she also puts her head down, almost like trying to do a tumble all the while making her baby noises and turning her head in all directions, sometimes for a rub and sometimes to mouth my fingers. if she does anything with her wings, she lifts them.

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