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how long to quarentine (SP) a new bird......


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My husband just bought a White Faced Cockatiel. We currently have a 6 month old Grey. My question is, how long should we quarentine the cockatiel for?? Are there any special things that we should do before we introduce the two?? The will NOT Be in the same cage LOL We have had the cockatiel for 2 days now, we keep it in our room, Gabby, Our Grey is in the living room. The cockatiels feces look good, we have checked for mites, we will attempt a bath later today LOL But is there anything else that were missing? Any thing would help!!! Thank you!!! :)

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OH!! LOL The petstore we bought Jax (Cockatiel) at, said they didnt know how old he was, he was owned by a blind woman and she had too many animals so she let the birdstore have them. I had a cockatiel when i was growing up, so i can say that this bird is pretty old, looks like he might have probs with his feet...weve made an apt with the vets.......He came to the petstore with his brother, we couldnt say no to him!! It was just so sad!!! So he isnt trained at ALLLLLL!!!!!!! My husband is teaching him the step up, and has done so a few times now! Quick learner thank goodness LOL We just feel bad for him sittin in our bedroom all alone. Plus our bedroom is pretty cold, so thats why we want to know how long we have to keep him in there for......Thanks again!!!!!!!

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Thank you for opening your home & hearts for this displaced tiel. Sounds like he's very smart & responding well to the care & attention in his new home. Certainly until after he gets a clean bill of health from the avian vet is a good basis for your quarentine time frame. You may want to keep a cover over all but the front of his cage during the day to help hold in the heat.

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I will be bringing a young CAG home in a week or so and I plan to take her straight to the vet if not that day, the next for a wellness check up and a micro-chipping if the vet thinks she is fleshy enough. I firmly believe in a wellness check when you first get any new bird to join an established flock. (If you take your bird in to see a new avian vet when you first get your bird, the vet will then have a starting place to see the health of your bird so that if your bird gets sick in the future, the vet has notes as to the bird's condition when well {personal opinion}) Even after the wellness check I do plan to keep Isabella separate from my other 3 parrots so that we can become acquainted and she can get use to me and my voice. I can also make sure that in my mind she is healthy and ready to meet the flock. My very agressive TAG Ana Grey will be visiting her at this quarantine time (after a day or two) as she will need to meet Isabella first to approve of her (LOL!!) joining the flock!!!

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well... i guess i need to get a new vet. Cooper came with a clean bill of health, and my vet said he would be fine to quarantine for a few days for behavioral, and then introduce the two for a couple days from across the room (in my house that's the living room and dining)... then place the cages near one another so they can get used to eachother. I take it this is bad advice, since I heard it from a vet, I figured it was the correct thing to do.


Both boys seem to be fine, and healthy... guess it's too late for the quaratine now. :-(

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guess it's too late for the quaratine now

Yes it is but usually if the birds are both healthy then the quarantine is usually not necessary. Your vet determined the new addition was healthy and your other bird obviously had been deemed healthy so he didn't see a problem so don't dismiss his advice on this one thing if otherwise he is a good vet. Usually when the bird comes from a home where there are lots of birds or you don't know much about the bird it is wise to do quarantine.

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I've never brought a new member to the flock unless they were vet checked then. Quarantine for 30 days was the old adage, but my vet informed that if a healthy vet check is completed (blood work and all comes back normal) then there should be no problems.


Glad you took in the new housemate for your flock, let us know how the introductions go.



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thanks... sigh of relief! They are "tolerating: one another, actually its interesting that they groom at the same time, eat at the same time... and yet they act like the other doesnt really exist. I have been really good about acknowledging Dexter as the main bird, and Cooper as secondary. Cooper is really coming along, loves my bean mix for breakfast, and doesnt strike me when I step him up and out of his cage.

Cant wait to start more through training with him... but I won't rush him.


thanks again!

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