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While We Were on Vacation...


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Finally got away on a vacation, my hub and I were gone for a week and half. My mom watched Took.


1- Took is so affectionate now when I get home from work. She snuggles up to me and I swear she is sayning "I love you" in parrotese-English since she doesn';t speak English yet but it has the correct syllables and rhythm, the appropriate brief pauses and somehwat similar sound of the words.


2-Took grew into monster size! She bulked up! Not fat- she got taller, filled out, and looks so much healthier! What was my mom's secret? Mom was told that Took must have veggies and a bowl of harrison's in the morning while Mom goes to work. She can have table food that is not fatty or salty in moderate amounts. Sooooo Mom gave her veggies and Harrison's in th morning, everyday 1/2 a hard boiled egg with shell for 4pm snack or some fruit, 6pm dinner of meat/chicken and veggies, 8pm snack of almonds and walnuts (sleep at 9).

Everything I've read about CAG's say veggie;s are key but my mom's high protien diet and how beautiful Took looked afterwards says protien is key! In the wild, termites and insects are their main diet and those are protien....Perhaps this should be discussed under food!


3- Took doesn;t hate Mom anymore. She doesn't bite her. Took still doesn't go to her but at least the biting stopped.



Last thing to mention that happened while we were away is how my mom was the perfect example of the CAG owner, obsessing over her food and her birdie's happiness--

My mom kept Took company by watching tv and staying with. My mom put on the captions and read the tv dialouge to Took so she would have some interaction and wouldn;t be lonely! She read an hour or two of tv captions to Took every night!!

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The way to Go mom, thats a great story and a grey can adjust to new and differat things a lot better than people think.

My grey is very out going and she is always around new things and people amd that keeps her that way.

Corky (CAG) and Cricket (BFA) go with us on vacation, short trips long trips when we go they go and they travel well.

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Thanks everyone! It was a great experience for all! Took is only 8 months, we were worried about leaving her but she was okay. Normally, Took is not too fond of females and would bite my mom or go into attack position. What a relief!


I also loved that my mom read the captions just to have Took her someone's voice!

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how would your mom like to take a vacation in sept to colorado lol. we are going on a four day trip out of state and i am not sure how mojo is going to handle it. tell your mom that she could prob get free trips all over the US as a grey sitter......she could travel, and never worry bout a place to stay!! lol


ps. the caption tv idea is a brilliant one!!

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