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Can We Post Here About Someone Else's Lost Parrot?


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I just read the "Welcome to the Rescue Room" sticky and the "Lost and Found Posts" sticky and I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing by posting this here. Maybe it belongs in the Other Birds section, I don't know. Maybe I'm overstepping myself posting about this at all? But I feel so troubled I'd like to throw it out here, just in case it is all right, but if it's not then certainly remove this post if it goes against forum rules or something. I don't want to make trouble...


Anyway, sometimes I like to read about the parrots that are up on Craig's List, just to see what's going on. I usually stick to the ads near my house, but sometimes I look elsewhere (and I even check near my parents' house sometimes, states away!). Last night I found this ad with pictures about a lost 2-year-old Blue & Gold Macaw in the St. Pete, Florida area. His name is Little Man and he's been missing from his daddy for a week. What caught my heart was that his owner got a phone call that someone had captured Little Man--and then just let him go, for whatever reason. He's been spotted a few times since then, but he and his owner haven't been reunited yet. I emailed his owner and sent him links to the Lost and Found parrot sites and info here in these forums, and in his reply he said he appreciated that but he just feels so devastated right now. So I thought, maybe I could post here and if anyone lives in that area, keep your eyes peeled?


I think it's the fact that Little Man had been encountered and was safe with someone for a bit, and then he was just let loose again--that's what makes me feel so sad about this. I know if anything happened to Marcus or Beaker I'd be such a mess! So if it's okay, I hope that I'm not breaking any rules by posting about someone else's lost parrot, one who isn't even a Grey... I'm sorry if I am, but for some reason I feel moved enough by this to try. But again, if this isn't proper for these forums, please remove this thread and just know I didn't mean anything badly by it.


Thank you.

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I guess the person who captured Little Man just didn't know any better but hopefully he will be found again by someone who will get in contact with the owner and they will be reunited, we do have members who live in Florida so the more people who know about it the better the chances are.

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OMG I would just be so lost if one of mine was lost. I have family in Florida, and I will notify ASAP. The sad part is, he could land on someone's porch, and they shew him away, because they are simply afraid of getting bit. Why would someone catch an exotic bird and then let it go???? If they had it, then they weren't afraid of it, or maybe it landed and took off again.

I don't know if its true, but I have heard if you leave the door open and put a food dish by the outside of the door the bird will come back. It happened to me with a parakeet..... I don't know about a Macaw.

Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you, everyone, I just wasn't sure if that type of thing was allowed here. I don't even know Little Man or his owner personally, but his owner's words in that Craig's List ad just pulled at me, I felt so sad for them both--still do. I really hope that Little Man gets returned home soon! It's not even been two weeks yet though, so I think there's a lot of room for hope still.


If anybody wants to read the post, themselves (since I've seen links to other sites elsewhere in the forums), here it is: http://tampa.craigslist.org/pnl/pet/2250712258.html

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  • 3 weeks later...

Little Man has been reunited with his Parront - got this from the mailing list


REUNITED! LOST: FL, St. Petersburg, B&G Macaw 'Little Man', Feb. 21.

Posted by: "lorrettawikstrom" lorrettawikstrom@gmail.com lorrettawikstrom

Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:10 am (PDT)



Thank you! (Downtown St. Petersburg)

Date: 2011-Mar-24, 2:41PM EDT

Reply to: comm-ucw6c-


Today is a great day for me and my baby Blue & Gold Macaw, "Little Man." The St. Petersburg Police Department found my Blue & Gold Macaw. He is where he is supposed to be now, back home!

I want to thank everyone for your assistance during this very trying time. I had almost given up on ever seeing him again.

I also want to thank Detective Deckert who did an amazing job in caring for and protecting the needs of Little Man from disingenuous individuals, trying to claim him as their own. He was extremely helpful to me and my macaw. Without his diligence, patient, and investigative skills my baby would not be back home. Thank you so much you guys at the Saint Petersburg Police Department. You guys are really saviors in making sure Little Man got home safe and sound.

Again, thank you everyone for your assistance!!!

PS. I am now off to the veterinarian to have Little Man's wings clipped and for him to be micro-chipped. I have so learned my lesson!

Stop marking my post as inappropriate for removal. There is nothing wrong with my post or thanking people for their assistance!


Location: Downtown St. Petersburg

it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 2284103261



**xposted by Retta 911PA volunteer**


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Oh, that's wonderful news!!! I've thought of Little Man a few times since I last posted in this thread, I really wanted him to have a happy ending--and he has, back home safe with his daddy! Thank you so much for posting about his return (CocoaRocks, I think it was?). That is just so awesome. :)

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