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SHELBY is HOME !!!!!


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So after 117 days she is here !

got the word today She is doing well I am not sure she liked the whole driving in the car thing

in her travel cage....


Got her home put her on the perch in the TV room while i set up her cage in the sitting room

did good for the first hour she just kind checked out the room and every one greeted her

than she started to play with a toy and did well to tear it apart :) then we had dinner I played with her till about 7:30 then lights out !

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OK OK i am charging the camera ill get some pics :)


Today went well I went to work as it is the normal my mom let her out for a few hours this morning and had to put her back in her cage for a few hours

then my dad came home and took her out about 2 pm and she has been on the play gym since she is eating very good at 4:30 she was head deep in her dish

and then i gave her a small amount of hambuger and kraft mac and cheese to eat with us for dinner and again she ate well.


So right now she is with me we got some music on she is kinda just staring down on me from her boing that i have in the computer room

just kinda all puffed out on 1 leg :)

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Your Shelby is really beautiful!


I have a Shelby myself, but he's a 'tiel.


Wow I would have bet anything I had the only bird in the world named Shelby....

Well I bet I have the only CAG with that name :)



BTW more photo's added of her I just took of her on the BOING!

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Wow I would have bet anything I had the only bird in the world named Shelby....

Well I bet I have the only CAG with that name :)



BTW more photo's added of her I just took of her on the BOING!


My boyfriend and I were going to go with Sydney (after a Jason segel character {because Shelby is such a funny character}) but then I read the name Shelby on a gender neutral name site and I fell in love! It's such a cute name, and I'm sure your Shelby will have just as big a personality!

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The reason I picked out shelby was the fact she was so calm and seemed to not have a issue with new things she just takes things in stride most of the time

we are having a small issue now with my dad not being able to get her to come out of the cage in the morning or go back in. She has nipped him two times already

thing too serious but we are going to look and see why she is doing this.


Last night he was able to take him off her perch and put her away with me there and we praised her though the whole deal and she was fine....


One other thing is she is deff bonded to me and seems to want my constant attention when i come home this will go one for a while its usualy play and cuddle time

wich is kinda unexpected as she will nuzle up to my chin and stay there for a while and ill pet her back and neck head she seems to like this ALOT.

and will do this for 15 to 20 min at a time other wise she likes to sit on my chest while i watch tv..... i am fine with all of this if she is .


another thing i have noticed is she eats when we eat along with pecking at the food during the day.

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She has picked you as her favorite so that is why you are getting all the special treatment and your dad will have to work harder, he may be pushing her for more than she wants right now and he may have the best luck with her when you aren't around, you know second best. He can be the one to give her the treats and such as that will help too.

She wants to be included in the activities in the house and that includes when you eat so allowing her to join you at mealtimes is great, just be sure she only gets the allowed types of food, no junk and forbidden foods.

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