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Caught on video!


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My wife and I finally got a video of cosmo practicing his favorite phrase "Good boy!" He is usually far more talkative and vocal, but was a little quiet with the camera out. He usually wont make a sound once he sees a phone or camera.


We are very proud of our baby, not even 11 months old yet :)



Edited by Mawnee
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In the beginning, it almost sounds like a pigeon coo or an imitation of you making a tongue rolling sound. I could certainly hear "Good Boy" loud and clear.


Thanks for sharing this. :)


Shelley's advice in getting your grey used to a camera is spot on.

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^ Yea, I taught him that noise while we were cuddling one evening. The next day my wife was almost in tears when he did it while one her shoulder asking for a neck rub. Its so cute! :) He almost always does it while being really cuddly now. But of course its part of his vocabulary, so he will practice it at other times as well.


The problem with the camera/phone isnt that hes afraid of it. Its that he loves it. As soon as he sees it it consumes his attention. We have tried leaving it in the room, but it leads to him going for it constantly during play time :P I'm working on a solution with an old webcam we have. :)

Edited by Mawnee
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