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Silly Slater

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I was vacuuming the birds area on Sunday. Whenever I vacuum the birds get all excited and start talking and carrying on. Slater likes to bathe. He thought a bath in his water bowl was appropriate. He hardly got wet but that's ok he was having a GREAT time.

Here he is doing what he does best hanging upside down like a feathered bat-lol. He is sooooo silly sometimes.


slater bathing.jpg

slater2 bathing march 2011.jpg

slater silly bird march 2011.JPG

slater2 silly bird march 2011.jpg

slater hanging one leg march 2011.jpg

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Its Bat bird, they look so cute hanging upside down and they sure can entertain us with their antics, mine tries to bathe in her water bowl too and its hilarious seeing them trying to fit their body into the bowl, thanks for sharing the pics with us.

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Its Bat bird, they look so cute hanging upside down and they sure can entertain us with their antics, mine tries to bathe in her water bowl too and its hilarious seeing them trying to fit their body into the bowl, thanks for sharing the pics with us.


Do you have any idea why the sound of the vacuum makes them want to bathe? baffling.

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Do you have any idea why the sound of the vacuum makes them want to bathe?

I think I read somewhere that it is similar to a sound they hear in their natural habitat, maybe it sounds like when it rains but it works because my sun conure will go get into her water bowl while the vacuum is running.

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Those are great pictures of Slater bathing!!!!!! My zon loves to stick his whole head in the water. What a watery mess he makes his cage. Now Ana Grey is a little more dainty about it all. I love the upside down pictures too cool!!!!


Thanks. Chili my zon loves the water but doesn't seem inclined to bathe in his water bowl like Slater.

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