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Ray P

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Cricket has been with us a little over two years now and she always comes up with something new.

In her old home she did not have any toys except for an old tub that she would play with. We filled her cage with toys but she nevered played with them just the old tub but we always left the toys there

About a month ago she started to play with one of the toys and than anouther and anouther to the point that she plays with every thing now. It`s so nice to see her come around and play with things and do things she did not do before. She is about 15 years old and it`s nice to see that they can change as much as she has.

The change from nasty to nice is great to experience and to see you can make a differance

Has anybody seen this change in their zon ?

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Cricket does sound like a sweetheart. I am still trying to get Louie to trust me. He wants to, but it is still reluctant. He doesn't know how to step up and he still reaches out to bite me. He reaches out to grab my clothing to get to my shoulder but when I acknowledge him, he backs off. He will fly away if I offer him a shoulder or an arm to step up on. We do have a slight problem, I take meds which thin my blood and have to be careful not to get any infections, because of my artificial heart valve. Yeah have to take penicillin even to have my teeth cleaned. Anyhow Louie and I are both trying slowly but surely. Louie loves toys, especially wooden toys and he destroys them. I mean chews them to shreds. I wish I knew how to use a skill saw, he is very hard on toys! Louie is only 3 years old and he is a very smart and loving zon. I envy the relationship you and Cricket have and hope someday that Louie and I will have one like it. I love to hear about Cricket, Ray P. and could certainly use your expertise in taming her.

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Thank you luvparrots for thinking I have some kind of expertise but I do not and I realy have not trained her. My connection with Cricket IMO came with building a relationship over taming or training. If you like I can start anouther thread on this

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