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silk's "almond milk"


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does anyone know if silk's "almond milk" can be used with birds? it says it has more calcium than traditional milk and i know birds shouldn't get traditional milk. i was thinking if its ok for birds, i could use it in cooking birdie bread and such.

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Yes, parrots can have soy milk in very tiny amounts once in a while but if you're giving it in order to raise calcium levels, well, it just won't work especially the way you wanna use it. Even regular milk can be given to a grey( extremely tiny amounts once in a great while) and it won't help any parrot raise their calcium levels. If your bird has been officially diagnosed with extreme calium deficiency, the vet will tell you what to do. If your bird hasn't been diagnosed with extreme deficiency, then the your bird will get all the calcium it needs from natural things. All greys are lactose intolerant and live long lives with no problems. Nature made them lactose intolerent. Soy products are used by people who are allergic to regular dairy products and a MD prescribes alternatives for them.

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ok, thanks!! there is no calcium deficiency as of our last appt. i just wasn't sure if this could be used for birds even in birdie bread. this is great info to know, thanks again! i wasn't sure if this was an acceptable protein source either, since soy and other beans are a protein/meat substitute!

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Well, you can give all the birdie bread you want but thinking that these tiny amounts of items that are listed as having calcium just won't change the amount of calcium in it's body. Usually, when a vet says that a grey is calcium defient, there's even more problems going on at the time of the visit. The owners of the birds usually start seeing things that aren't normal with their bird so they visit the vet to get a number of tests to find out what the problem is. Most of those visual symptoms aren't showing up because of lactose interance. I have a number of adult greys that are all lactose interant and all are in the best of health from the time they were hatched. Their parents were lactose intolerant and so were the grandparents etc etc.Greys eat so many things in the wild and nature provides them with the right levels of all things. I'm not gonna tell you what those greys eat in the wild to get nutrients because I have no idea whether you're nearing your next meal. Don't wanna lose your appetite. I'll just say that they get their important needs from strange things.

If you're really interested in helping along a grey's health, give a bit of yogurt once in a while because yogurt contains good bacteria which replaces bad bacteria in the body. That's also what happens to peolple when they eat yogurt. What's good about yogurt is that they come in loads of flavors.

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