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will adopting another grey hurt my relasionship with my current grey


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My brother has a tag and so do we. My grey is very friendly and likes to play and comunicate. My brothers however is not so friendly and tries to bite him alot. He did very well with my sister in law and played with her but she had a baby and now the bird has gotten mean with her as well. (jealouse) They asked me and my husdband if we wanted him. I don't know if we should. I would love to take him and work with him and see if we could turn the poor guy around but i am worried about the relationship with my bird. Will it be in his and her favor or will it work against us to have them both.

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Just remember to maintain the 'pecking order' if you take him in by keeping your TAG 1st in feeding + any interactions. They can feel snubbed if they perceive they have been looked over in favor of another. This will also help him to see that positive interactions reap positive rewards as he will intently watch you with your girl.

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Thats what i was thinking. So i would make sure to give Jessie(my bird) attention first, food, treats,etc.. then give them to Leo(my brothers bird). How do i respond if he does bite so as not to encourage him or Jessie to bite? I am worried if Jessie see's him bite she may try to see our reaction. That learning porrot thing that we all no so well. lol.

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Great advice. Keeping your bird first is what I have always done. I had one bird and added 2 over the last few years. always keeping your first bird first when taking them out of their cages etc. My birds never copy the other birds bad behavior. They know what my "no's" mean and don't want to hear it. :). They do seem to like the flock company when I'm not around also.

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Yes pecking order is a must. My TAG has been with me first and although she is smallest of my ekkie, zon and tag (a young cag will be joining us soon), she is quite feisty and will dive bomb the other two older re-homed parrots. My zon as just started coming into my office (a couple of times so far) and Ana Grey will dive bomb him until "Hell Freezes Over" as this is her "private space" with me. Louie does defend himself and so this is a small battle I have with them to make sure both are injury free. Ana Grey is fearless. And these are two alpha personalities. This kind of battle use to go on in the birdroom for months when I first got Louie/the Zon but has now stopped in that room. Hopefully it will calm down in my office as well. I just have to be very vigilant.

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I found the same is true with dogs. First one home is the alpha. Same with cockatoos. First bird that was adopted gets to come out to play first, gets fed first, gets pet first. Keeps the peace, toos can be a little temperamental, but sweethearts in general.

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We have decided to take him. I talked to my sister in law about it. She is still considering weather or not she wants to part with her friend. If she keeps him there then thats great if i take him then thats great as well. As long as the guy is in a good home. They do take very good care of him he just is pretty mean to them right now. Probably jelouse.

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