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Name change? Will it benefit?


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I've heard that it can help a rescue grey if they r renamed. Supposedly this is because it gets rid of the negative associations to the old environment. Is this a good idea? Can it be done?


And if so, wat tips and tricks r there to teach the grey it's new name and actually get it to respond to it?

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I don't see why not, if thats what you want to do. You would be making a fresh start with a new name, but it might take a while for it to respond to it.


I would assume just calling it by the new name would eventually get it to associate that name with itself, repeating it over each time you talk to it, use it in your conversations with it.

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My opinion is to leave the name as is. That's what he knows, and it sounds like he's had a lot of stress and many adjustments already in his short life. It might just be one more confusing thing for him to try and adapt to.

I'm sure others have different opinions.

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Greetings TinyTimneh,


If I understand the history correctly, it sounds like you have now had your bird for 2 years. Do I have that correct? I am going to go with Talon here and vote for keeping the name as is. I have heard that when re-homing a bird it has been suggested there may some cases where name changing can be benefitial. However, you have now had your bird for quite some time. I think there are other more valuable things to focus on addressing some of the challenges your beloved bird has. B) However, I think you certainly could change the name if you wanted to. I imagine it would be a relatively slow process where you would begin using the new name and phase out the old. But it certainly would not happen overnite!


Can you tell us more about your bird and about what you know of its history? You mention some feather plucking and other challenges. Tell us more and we can probably work on some plan to help address the issues. We are happy you have joined our community and look forward to your participation. ;)

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TinyTimneh i wouldnt personally change his name now after he has been with you 2 years,It will just confuse him.

If anyone re- homes, rescues a bird i would advise if you want to change a birds name do it from day one.

My grey Coco was called Rocco, Rocco was more amale name & i changed it from day one of having her.It was very similiar to her name but she accepted it & now says hello Coco :)

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Guest Monique

I agree with everyone else if I was going to change a bird name I'd do it early out. I don't really think you would harm the bird by changing its name but why would you after two years?


Note I changed my bird's name after he was home a few months. He started out Isaac but his personality was SO an Elmo when he got home that one day I just changed it. Sometimes he still gets called Isaac Elmo or Elmo Isaac :).

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