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Another question I have is - My bird came to us with a terrible diet of only poor quality seeds. She was 15% under weight and has shown some yeast and e coli in her tests. I am trying to get her healthy and on a diet of Harrisons pellets but I am a long way away from that so far. I have tried everything to get her to eat better and this is what the routine we seem to be on is like. I cook her scrambled egg on a stainless steel pan coated with olive oil. She will eat a good amount of that. Then I will offer her green beans several times a day. She nibbles on these and seems to like these and zuccini the best of the greens. I will give her some romain lettuce and I can get a nibble or two but thats it. I can only get her to take a taste of carrot or sweet potatoe ( not enough ) Broccoli maybe just a bite. She likes apples and this is the only fruit she will eat.The Harrisons are always available and I tried putting apple juice on them. She hated it. She seems to chew up a piece here and there but does not look like she consumes them. She of course loves seeds which I give her some with the sunflowers picked out. I only offer her this later in the day cause I am afraid she will not eat enough and because she was so sickly when we got her. If any of your suggestions are any Pasta beans oatmeal I have tried them all several times. Spouts, every kind of pepper tried it. Am I handleing this right ? Is she getting everything she needs from what she is eating from me ?

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The first thing of importance, is ensuring she maintains/gains weight. The diet change is not that important right now while trying to overcome illness.


The food items you mentioned are good, but fruit to a much lesser extent than quality high vitamin content veggies like carrots, yams, dark green leafy ones like kale, dandelions etc. Prepare them cooked, raw etc. chhunkes, sliced, diced etc. and just keep offering them. They will ignore some on days and other days focus on one item like carrots. They have different preferences each day much like us humans. Sometimes one item just seems like only it will hit the spot. Of course, please keep some harrisons available and offering good nuts like roosted and unslated peanuts, almons or cashews are good for tem as high quality protien sources.

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If she won't eat the Harrisons then don't worry about it, get her another brand and try it, she may just like another one better, the Harrisons is the best in my opinion but if they won't eat it then what good is it.

Like Dan said try all kinds of vegetables and fixed different ways, sometimes they like a particular veggie cooked and another one raw so keep experimenting until you find some she likes.

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I have tried everything and she will not touch any nuts except peanuts which I am told not to give her because of the fungus or bacteria. She will only eat what I posted and very little of that. Should I just keep giving the seeds until I know she is very healthy ? How will she get healthy eating mostly seeds ? Please look at the list posted above and tell me if she is missing anything from what I am getting her to eat. I dont think I was this stressed out when I had my own children lol

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